I was just reading the latest issue of o gauge railroading and I came across there "layout wire". It looks like traditional zip wire except that it's in a sleeve. How ever a 200 ft roll of 16 gauge zip cord is $30.00 shipped on eBay and o gauges wire is roughly double the price for 250ft. Does anyone know where I can get something similar to what o gauge is selling for cheaper?
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No, but the OGR wire is well worth the price. I'm using it and it is good wire. Also helps support the magazine and this forum so we have a place to come to get our questions answered.
A lot of the wire you will find now is copper clad over aluminum. The result is that the current carrying capacity is less. I don't remember if it drops to the next smaller gauge or not. If the O Gauge wire is all copper, it may be worth twice.
quote:A lot of the wire you will find now is copper clad over aluminum.
While looking for aluminum compatible duplex outlets, I noticed that a lot of them were marked as acceptable for copper clad over aluminum.
I did not know that sort of wire was being made until then.
I guess I'll hold onto the spools of wire I've accumulated over the years. Most of it is 16 or 18 gauge. I normally use 16 gauge with multiple feeders for my layouts, which have been modest. The largest I've built was 8 by 12.
Put a load on your track to achieve an accurate voltage[drop] reading--Locomotive, or lighted passenger cars. A no-load reading tells you nothing regarding IR drop.