Wow, Great and Wonderful Questions....My actual Train Layout is Completely Full. The buildings, houses, accessories, lights, Track, are all in place. The Scenery 95% Completed, the last, but not least, is to connect all the wiring. This will be finished after I retire. It's taken 20 years, many Good Friends, some have passed on, to get to this stage of the game.
Will the Layout Really ever be finished, No, it's almost impossible to finish a home layout....
Will I keep on buying Engines, Cars, Accessories, little figures, etc., Yes. The limits will be less, as I will sell the older technology for the newer technology. So, if there are new comers to this great hobby, that want to start on a limited budget, there will be a way to sell the older equipment for something, whatever it brings will help go toward buying the new.....
Do I have enough Engines, yes, am I content, no....Lionel is always moving the Goal Post, so to speak....The new VISIONLINE GG1 sounds Awesome...The new Alleghanys sound Fantastic....Where theirs a Will, Theirs a Way!!!!
In the end, there comes a time when we all must sell, Health Reasons, To Enhance Retirement, and really to not leave this burden to our Wives....So, in a few years, 4, I will liquidate this Empire, and Spend my time, whatever's left, traveling with my wife and visiting friends with Big Layouts!!!! Oneday.....
Yes, Monsoon, it's been a Fun Ride, The friends we have made along the way make this hobby the best ever, The OGR FORUM, is a Connection via the Internet, that makes Our Journey more Complete....Thank You...Happy Railroading....