I am updating an old milk car with an LCRX for TMCC control of ejecting milk can and front and rear coupler control. I’m working off a LCRX High Current Driver Circuit diagram I downloaded years ago. The circuit uses D2W203F relay. I followed the diagram and am having problems and a few questions.
The couplers seem to be opening at random times when running around the track both front and rear.
The cans do not eject some of the times. I have a light on connected before the diode going pin 3 on the relay. The light always lights when the Aux2 is press but the cans don’t always eject. I did some testing with a meter a notice that the power to the light +4 volts when the cans ejects and -7 when the can do not eject. Need help in explaining why
Is there another way to eject the milk cans besides the Aux2 button? The diagram mentions the Aux 1, 8,9 and 0 give you different combinations of output but don’t explain what the output is.
I am not a expert just know enough to sometimes get by, but not this time any help would be appreciated. I attached the diagram I am working off of.