I finally finished the observation car, note that lights are a bit brighter than the coach car. I can adjust them down a bit. I used R Stewarts kits and they are great and reasonably priced. Thank you Rod for all the help and your great product. Still have the diner and one observation to do. The observation car has 2 rows of strip leds plus the observation led kit for the rear marker lights, so it is a bit more tedious. Thanks again Rod!
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Nice work Dave; looks like you've got it mastered! I love those K-Line cars, they look really great.
Thank you for sharing this. I recently acquired a set of the MTH Crusader cars and LEDs are on my to do list.
I had the MTH RK Crusader, I did an upgrade to LED lighting. Here's a sequence of shots for the Observation car upgrade.
Thanks John. How might I find 7 of those LEDs.
@Tranquil Hollow RR posted:Thanks John. How might I find 7 of those LEDs.
Jay for car lighting you have a couple of options. First Hennings Trains sells complete kits for conversion, which include pre-built modules and led strips. They are sold in kits that will convert two cars each. These have ready-to-install lighting modules designed by grj.
Another option if you are handy with a soldering iron is a DIY kit that includes a pcb and all components needed to build it plus connecting pigtails. These kits are what pennsydave used in his opening post above. I can supply the kits, let me know if you need more details.
Thank you Rod and at this point I would have to go with Hennings because my skills in that area need further development.