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See below for the cab of the new C&O Consolidation.  I removed the numbers with lacquer thinner, they must have been decals as they flaked off in about 4 passes.  I also have blanked out the forward windows (paint still drying on the plastic).


So my question is, since decals like a gloss surface hat do I do?  I will trim the decals as close as possible but the inside of numbers will still have clear film.

Tape all out except where the numbers will go and gloss that area, decal, and then dull?  I like the finish on the shell as it is.

What's your take?  Suggestions


Gray Lackey


Images (1)
  • Cab1
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I would tape off  the boiler in front of the cab, the white cab trim and the window area. No matter what you use for paint. You don’t want to end up with straight tape edge on a flat surface. Not sure what you meant by masking off the number area. Apply the paint where the number will go. I wouldn’t worry about the overspray as there shouldn’t be much. Then hit the whole area with either a Satin or Flat after you apply the decals.

I bought some decal scissors years ago from Micromark. The are very small and you can get pretty close to numbers and lettering. I don’t know if it makes a big difference. I tend to round my corners if possible by following the outline of the number rather than just squaring them up.

Last edited by Dave_C

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