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I have a Dorfan loco and three cars that I will be building a display case for. . Can I wire the tracks to run the lights off 110 with a thumbwheel switch? And if so what would be needed. I was thinking i could a small interior light fordisplay and have a photoeye flip to track power to run the trains lights when we turn the lights off.Also has anyone attached their train to the display base to keep it from moving? I was thinking of running wire over the axles and tying it to the base. Thxs

Original Post

I don't fully understand your desire, but I would NOT place 110AC on the track to handle display lights.  Powering the display and lights from a lower AC voltage source would be best.  12-18VAC.  Any AC voltage over 30VAC under the right circumstances can lead to death it you inadvertently grounded yourself between the track and earth ground.


There are track rollers made so the train can run but not move.  Again, since this is a display, lower voltages would be better.  G

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