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I realize that each LC+ remote controls only the specific unit it's made for. Are all of the remotes the same as far as bell/coupler button share one plastic button cover, and the horn/coupler button share another plastic button Cover? I've got a new LC+ NW2. It seems that no matter how or how often I press the coupler button, the bell sounds and keeps sounding. It seems difficult to shut the bell off, and the coupler actually opens maybe once every ten times I hit the coupler button. Is this a pretty much standard issue with the LC+ remote? It would seem like separate buttons inside with a separate plastic push cover would solve the problem, but then again, maybe I have a remote with sticky buttons inside?

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What voltage are you putting on the rails? LionChief Plus locos are tolerant of a wide range of input voltages, and the train will run on just about anything below 18 volts, but the couplers may not be reliable on less than 14 or 15 volts. My Mikado will run on as little as 10 volts, but the couplers won't work at that low of a voltage. Also check your wiring to the tracks, using too small a diameter wire may cause voltage drop under high draw conditions (like when firing the couplers). Also, if your layout is big enough, you may need additional feeder wires to the rails on the other end of the layout from where your power is connected. It also could be poor contacts in the coupler button of your handheld.


Bill in FtL

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