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I recently acquired an original #384; unfortunately, it was damaged in shipping (although, to be fair, the frame had been broken and repaired earlier).   The frame is broken behind the pilot and also at the joint where the front frame mount meets the side rails.  One of the wheels was also damaged, but that is another tale.

Since the frame has been repaired unsuccessfully once already, I am considering buying a repop frame or MTH manufacture.  Has anyone used an MTH frame on an original engine before?  What was your experience?  I am reluctant to spend the money unless I can be sure it will work.


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@Jon G posted:

The MTH frame has the best quality of any repro frame that I have used.  Re-framed many locos using their frames.

Thank you for that piece of info!  Just to clarify:  the MTH frame WILL work on an original engine?  Are the necessary holes drilled and tapped (I can do that, but I need to get the right tools if it is necessary)?

OK, I purchased the frame from Harry (needed just a little tweaking to work) and installed it today.

Now, the original frame had the green stripe.  I used a Satin black for the replacement, but I don't know what color green to use for the stripe.  Against that black background, I can't seem to comfortably match it to a color.  Can anyone tell me what color it should be?


OK, I found the paint at the local Hobby Lobby yesterday, so I have begun the adventure of painting the stripes/step edges/poling pocket edges.  These I have to do. 

But I now have another dilemma:  the stripes on the tender are worn and largely missing, and the cab window frames are going to be much more dull than the stripe on the frame.  I know that the decision is mine, but I'd like to hear what folks might think about repainting the tender stripes and the cab window frames--and I think of them as separate issues:  I would not have to do both if I do either.

The engine is no longer original in condition, with some replacement wheels and a replacement frame.  The tender, however, remains original so far as I can tell.

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