Does anybody have a parts diagram for the 682 turbine?
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What specifically are you looking for? the 682, 681, 671, later 2020s are all the same with a slant motor and worm and gear drive. I can scan my Greenburg manual page and send it to you.
Thank you. I was given a 682 turbine. It is missing the front and rear trucks. I was wondering how they were attached, so I can order the missing parts.
The front truck is #671-93, the rear truck assembly is #671-202, the front and rear truck pivot screws are #671-185 (both the same) The traintender online site should have them.
Here is the parts diagram. This is from the Greenburg repair manual so the prices are early 1950s. I am not sure getting the trucks is going to be that simple. Best bet may be to buy any non working turbine and swap out the trucks. Best of luck. By the way the 682 is the best one since it has the additional eccentric crank on the drive line. None of the others have it. Both those trucks are die cast too.
The assembled trucks are readily available. Reproductions run about 15 dollars each. You can get the rear truck pre-assembled with the drawbar.
You will want the mounting screws.
If the trucks are missing, there is a good chance that the rear apron is missing too.
Thank you all, for the valuable information. How do the trucks attach. I know there is a pivot screw. How does the truck stud attach on the rear, and is there on for the front?
For the front truck, there is a T shaped bar hanging down from the frame. A slot in the middle of the truck engages it.
For the rear truck, the rear apron creates a slot for the drawbar. The rear truck has that same middle slot. a shouldered rivet attaches the truck to the drawbar.
There are other pages related to turbines, as has been posted above.
The Olsen's library is a very valuable resource. Most of it is from the Lionel Service Station manual, Olsens has created some of their own pages too,
You can also go to the Lionel web site, and find the service manual pages for the 8404 turbine. This engine is just about the same as a 682. Many, if not all, parts are interchangeable between the two.
There is plenty of used trucks out there as well. I like to keep them looking like the original.. I Owen 8 turbines in all.
I have an original set of trucks if you wanted to keep it original.
Ok. How much u want? I have some but I buy, sell and trade. Can always use more Thanks joe.
Yes, I would be interested in a set of rear trucks. I have the front one. Thank you