I'm a non-collector, only in it for the fun and relaxation of the hobby and my grandson, as long as his interests holds up. I don't purchase any train items as investments or with the expectation of increased value, I just enjoy them while I can. I prefer Legacy. For me, command control was the attraction that got me back into the hobby. If it were still all conventional, I would possibly have not even gotten back into the hobby?
While the PWC items may be appreciating now, I think that may not hold true if we are successful (the manufacturers that is) in getting the younger folks to join the hobby. I think the coming trend is toward controlling trains with your phone, ipad, watch or whatever electronic device we have next. As more of the older folks that had the PW and PWC stuff as kids leave us, I think the demand will diminish on those items and the electronic items will be the thing to have. There could possibly be a few PW/PWC around then, but I think they will have a lot available from all the existing collections their previous owners have left behind.
As for Lion Chief and LC+, I think that's a good idea for first time buyers that want to get their kids a train or try it for themselves and don't plan to go any further. If they do decide to go further in the hobby, I think they will end up with Legacy or DCS and the phone and ipad apps and not so much LC or LC+. I understand the thinking behind the Lion Chief lines, but personally I think it would have been much better if there was a path to upgrade to a full blown Legacy system. OTOH, the LC line seems to be popular with some Legacy users as well, so maybe having all those remotes is acceptable for some. Who knows, I may even come around to the idea? I didn't think LC was a good idea at all at first and I've changed my mind completely on that.