To all,
I got into the 3 rail hobby about 2 years ago. Since then, I've invested a considerable amount of money into the start up equipment costs (hardware, transformers, track etc...) and now own about 60 pieces of rolling stock (mostly MTH Premier Line), 2 Lionel Legacy Diesels, 2 MTH Premier Line diesels and a Sunset 3rd Rail Steamer.
Unfortunately, after 2 years, the deafening noise of the 3 rail trains is getting to be too much. The noise they generate (even at low speeds) makes the trains more of a nuisance to my family than anything. I recently saw a 2 rail setup at a train show and was really impressed by how quiet it was. So I thought, why not convert from 3 rail to 2 rail?
I realize this will cost some money but I think in the long run, it will be worth it. On that note, I have some questions:
1) Generally speaking, are 2-Rail (O Scale) trains that much quieter than thier 3 rail cousins? I suspect so as I believe it's the "roller" style pickup that generates most of the noise with the 3 rail trains and to some extent, the large flanges on the wheels. I tend to run larger consists (20 + pieces of rolling stock) so even they generate quite a bit of noise by themselves.
2) Can I use all of my MTH equipment (Transformer, TIU, DCS controller etc..) with a 2-rail setup without any performance degradation? Will I still have all of the same functionality? If so, this would obviously save me a ton of money.
3) Also, If I make the switch, will Lionel Legacy engines run on 2-rail with MTH's command and control systems?
4) The rolling stock I use is mostly MTH Premier Line and they look really easy to convert - Just replace the wheel sets with MTH's insulated variety. How about the locomotives? I have a decent understanding of electronics and don't mind taking the engines apart. How difficult are they to convert to 2 rail?
5) Can I run the engines just as fast on 2 rail track? The track looks so much smaller and the first thing I thought about was man, how do the trains stay on those tiny rails? Also, do the trains derail more frequently on 2 rail?
Thanks in advance for any and all input.