Actually you have to remove the old rivets from the Menard tank Car from the underside, the rivets are very low grade, so you can use a pair of good long nose pliers, and crimp the rivets together from the underside, then carefully pull the old trucks off the flat bed, I took the wheels off prior to bending the rivets, the old rivets will then fall back thru the holes, the new MTH primer trucks, fit perfectly into the flat bed holes resting on the mounting flange perfectly, and the screws that come with the trucks, fit perfectly into the holes in the Menard flat bed railroad car top side, just do not over tighten them. One other thing, the shells and webbing on the top side of the flat car need to be gently removed to insert the new screws in the MTH trucks, try not to damage them as you pry them off, super glue them back where ever you want when you are done installing the new trucks. As you see in the picture I super glued the old trucks on the corners of the Menard tank flat bed car, to give the car a more military appearance. I then super glued the shell flat, just back under the tank, to be able to get to the crews if I ever needed too.
You can see in the 2nd picture how perfectly the screws and flanges on the MTH trucks set up on the Menard flat Car.