can someone tell me if this plugs into the 2.0 battery charger?
can someone tell me if this plugs into the 2.0 battery charger?
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And if not, what is it used for?
Is it PS-1 or PS-2? As far as I know only PS-2 engines can be charged with an external charger. Other then track charging you must remove the battery and then charge it.
PS-1 to the best of my knowledge needs to have the battery taken out and charged by itself. I have only one engine with PS-1 and I have to remove the battery for charging, it is a 4-6-2 steam engine.
The PS-2 engines I have, I have charged for around 12 hours each. PS-2 engines can have one of two charging ports; a round one or a rectangular one with a special pin design to prevent wrong polarity charging.
Lee Fritz
Lee, it's for my husband. He has 3-4 engines, one I know has ps2. Thanks for the reply.
thinking about the bcr's but need more information before purchasing.
According to my latest MTH catalog (2016 VOL 1), the Proto-Sound 2.0 Battery Charger is item #50-1019 ($19.95). The Catalog does NOT show any item #50-1021. The Battery Charger that I have had for years will charger both the 3 volt and 5 volt 2.0 systems in those models having the port for plugging in the external charger. Also, remember to charge any model OVERNIGHT.
A word about BCR's, you must remove the old battery and replace it with a BCR. There are 2 different voltage systems for PS-2; a 3 volt or a 5 volt system, make sure you know which one before purchasing the BCR. From what I have read the BCR can be track charged in a few minutes and then work. The PS-2 batteries that I have seen look like house type portable phone batteries or 3 AA batteries taped together.
PS-1 batteries were mainly a 9 volt look a like(actual voltage 8.4 volts). I have replaced the factory PS-1 batteries with MTH replacement batteries, the replacement batteries can last about 5 years but need an occasional charge if not used regularly. The replacement battery must be charged before use for at least 12 hours.
Lee Fritz
Hot Water, yes that is the charger we have.
Lee, so you're saying the bcr's for ps2 look like two AA's put together instead of like a 9v? Where would I find out which system 3 or 5? Maybe he already knows, but I'm the one that ends up ordering, so I want to make sure instead of ordering the wrong items.
I can't say where to purchase the BCR replacements for batteries as I am using the regular batteries. To determine which system an MTH repair person would probably know, somebody like GGG or gunrunnerjohn on the forum here.
I have 4 PS-2 engines and use the battery charger from MTH with them. I just bought a new MTH charger at my local hobby shop for $16.99.
Lee Fritz
Thanks! Will show him this and then we can determine which and how many we would need. Greatly appreciate the advice
According to the MTH web site, the 50-1021 is for old PS2 locos that have an 8.4 volt battery. Don'y buy it. Get the newer model which handles both battery sizes used on PS2 over the years. I believe that's the 50-1019. It comes with two connectors to fit either type, which have different charging ports.
chessie1971 posted:
Opposite of what is stated. The PS-2 5V with 8.4V battery has the round port. The 3V 2.4V battery has rectangular 2 pin port. G
Thanks for the clarification GGG. And btw, all you guys with local hobby shops are lucky. Not any that have much train dealings near us. Closest is over hour away
Berkman, just to be clear. If you have the battery charger, and were looking at the 50-1021 battery harness. That was a kit to install a charge port into engines that did not have them. PS-1 and early PS-2 5V systems. Later on MTH add the charger to the PS-2 5V and all PS-2 3V have charge ports. G
berkman posted:Thanks for the clarification GGG. And btw, all you guys with local hobby shops are lucky. Not any that have much train dealings near us. Closest is over hour away
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