I have a question about why the voltage indicated using the soft key "Track Voltage" on the DCS remote or in the DCS App displays a voltage less than what is displayed on the Z-4000 transformer and with a meter on the track.
When I use the DCS to track the voltage, it reads anywhere between 4 and 8 less volts (depending on the speed of the engine) than what is being displayed on the Z000 or on my meter on the tracks. (Pictures below) I have a MTH Z-4000 transformer and the voltage set to 18 Volts through the fixed channel. I have a constant 18 volts around the loop of track (checked with a meter) - track is clean - wheels are clean - etc.
Anyone have an explanation for this? Do I need to run a slightly higher voltage on the Z-4000 to get the engine reading 18 Volts on the DCS Track Voltage Soft Key?
Here's why I am asking...
I have noticed the difference on every DCS engine I own when I check the voltage - but never really worried about it. What got me intrigued is that I have an MTH BigBoy PS3 that slows down slightly rounding a set of curves with 0-72 and 0-81 radius. There is a 1 volt drop on the meter when the train starts to round the curves. When I push the transformer to about 19-20 volts - no issues with the engine slowing down. However, I if I understand correctly, the engines like 18 Volts so I don't want to mess up the electronics/smoke unit/etc.
Thanks in advance!