As long as you have the same iTunes or Google account logged in on your device, you only need to pay once for each version, iOS or Android, of the app.
The way it works is as follows:
- Download the free app from either iTunes or Google Play.
- Do an in-app upgrade and the credit card associated with your iTunes or Google Play account will be charged.
- Now, download the app on additional platforms of the same type (iOS or Android) using the same iTunes or Google account. The version downloaded will be the one for which you previously paid. You will no be charged again.
- Repeat from the first step for a version on the other platform.
Note that if you installed the free app on more than one platform of the same type using the same iTunes or Google account before upgrading, you'll have to update all such devices using the in-app process. However, you'll only be charged for the first upgrade.
 | This and a whole lot more about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 1st Edition!"
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