I have three NYC L-3 and L-4 Mohawks and three GE diesels (U25B, AC4400, and a GEVO). They are almost exactly to scale (I checked) and a mix of PS2 and PS3. The AC and the GEVO have the correct engine sounds but the U boat has a GP30 EMD file (which I find offensive!)
All engines operate flawlessly on 2 Rail at 18 VDC. The Mohawks in particular are probably the most prototypically correct steam models ever offered by anyone in O Scale. They are EXACTLY to the same dimensions as the NYC Elevation drawings. (One concession made for the L-4 class is that the drivers scale to 69-inches whereas the L-4's had 72-inch drivers. MTH wanted one mechanism design for both L-3 and L-4 and an L-4 with 3-inches of tire wear would be at 69-inches, so this was a reasonable compromise.) That difference in diameter in O Scale is .0625-inches, a nit. I have L-3A #3001 and it is EXACTLY to scale.
MTH also correctly modeled both standard and cistern tenders (L-3 and L-4) and each tender has the correct coal and water capacity. Hydro and Hammer dates are correct for the region where each road number operated as a "late" Mohawk. Lettering and numbering is both correct and spaced correctly. Each cab number has the CORRECT subclass letter which is upper case but one half-height. The builders plate information including locomotive serial number is correct for EACH road number. The 2-Rail front truck wheels are the correct 33 or 36-inches, and more importantly the front truck wheelbase is correct at 86 scale inches. The front pilot is at a more reasonable height. The engine to tender distance is adjustable to "almost prototype" but adjustable for track radius. MTH pulled out ALL of the stops with these engines. I also have and run a USH L-4B and it is a compromise and inaccurate. It has the as-built front pump shields and no top check, and some other inaccuracies.
I keep hoping that MTH will offer a Niagara and a J-3A Super Hudson in 2-rail O Scale. (I have two 3-Rail Niagaras and the second run has the correct power reverse.) Both Niagaras run well on my 3-Rail.) So MTH has most of the pieces for a 2-Rail Niagara, and they have the mechanism, front trucks, trailing truck and tender trucks for a J-3 since they offered Dreyfuss engines with both Boxpok and Scullin drivers.