This one is coming about from a discussion in another thread about how to activate an accessory only every 20 times a train passes it, linked HERE.
I'm looking for some feedback of what folks would want form what I'll call a 'Multi-function track presence detector' The idea is to provide an easy to install and use device that allows for many functions to activate accessories when a train enters an insulated rail section, or some other detector device.
Heres the ideas I have so far, but I'm open to any ideas people have. I'd like to get a list together of such ideas however trivial or complex they may be to implement, then prune the list later if needed if something becomes impractical to accomplish.
I'm also looking to try and make this relatively inexpensive perhaps as a kit that could be assembled for those on a budget. I think a finished product could sell for around $30 but will not know for sure until all the features have been added up.
Anyway these are the ideas I have so far:
JGL Multi-function Track presence detector
Accessory = whatever device you wish to turn on and off. Can be set to apply power when a train is present, or to remove power when the train is present.
Triggered = train is present on an insulated rail section, or other deception method.
Activation options:
These are options about how long to turn on accessory when triggered.
Standard operation: Accessory ON when Triggered, OFF when not Triggered.
Delayed turn-off: Turns Accessory on when Triggered. Accessory remains on for adjustable amount of time after Trigger is ended.
Set run time (one shot): Accessory turns on when triggered and remains turned on for an adjustable amount of time. Accessory turns off after set time even if trigger is still active.
Set run time (Loop): Accessory turns on when triggered and remains on while trigger is on. When trigger is removed, accessory will remain on to complete an adjustable loop time. Ex. If a ferris wheel accessory takes 30 seconds to make a full turn and you want it to always turn off in the same position, you could set the time to 30 seconds, and the accessory will always run in increments of 30 seconds.
Two-way Grade-crossing mode: May need two modules depending on final design. Accessory turns on when first trigger is activated and remains on for adjustable time after trigger is deactivated. Locks out second trigger for adjustable time afterwards. This allows crossing signal to be activated some time before the train reaches the crossing, then turn off shortly after train passes for prototypical operation.
Frequency Options:
These are options about how often to activate an accessory.
Every Time: This is normal track presence function. Every time the unit is triggered it turns on the accessory.
Every X Laps: Accessory is only turned on after an adjustable number of 'Laps' has been reached. Starts counting from zero again once the lap count has been reached.
Random number of Laps: Accessory only turns on after a random number of laps. Minimum and maximum number of laps to turn on Accessory are adjustable.
Other options/features:
Manual activation button/switch: Accessory turns on as if triggered while button is pressed. For control panel/control system operation.
Trolly stop mode: Accessory(track power) is turned off when triggered for adjustable amount of time, then Accessory(track power) is turned on. until trigger is deactivated and activated again.
Sensitivity adjustment: Adjusts sensitivity to quick changes in trigger state. ex, how long must pass between activating the trigger to be counted as a new event and not just "flicker" from dirty/plastic wheels or others causes of intermittent activation of the trigger.
Supply power: can run off of track power, accessory power or DC accessory power. 6-20VAC, 8-24VDC
I welcome any ideas people have here.