I thought some of you 3RS guys might be interested in this. I ordered 20-3161-2 back in 2005 in the scale wheel configuration. I thought that I had wide enough curves on my layout (at the time) to handle it. If MTH stated that it ran on a 72 inch radius (0-144 dia) at the time I missed it. Anyway, the engine came and I installed the 3R pickup and tried to run in it. At the time the curves on the outer loop were 0-99. It wouldn't make the turn. I would run it back and forth on the straight track and pretty much let it sit in the yard trying to decide what to do.
Recently, because I couldn't get it to run I was going to sell it as a 2 rail engine.
Working on the new layout, I picked up some 3R Atlas 0-108 curves and the engine still couldn't make the curve. I ordered some 2 rail engines and decided not to convert them to 3R, so I started laying 2 rail track based on a 72" radius. 1 track 72 plus and one track 72" minus. I think the tightest curve is has about a 63" radius. I finally got the tighter curve finished this weekend and decided to see if the MTH engine could negotiate the tighter curve. It did!
Here's the point. If you are ordering MTH 2/3 steam, to get the scale flanges, check the radius needed. For my engine there was no Atlas curved track available. 0-108 was not enough.
For my engine a 2-10-4 Santa Fe 5011 Class, it needed at least a 60" radius. The 8 wheel tender trucks made the tender seem to have more problems than the engine. I have decided to keep the engine now that I can run it. I hope to be able to use it as a helper or stick a line of reefers behind it. The engine wasn't too bad of a model, but I switched stacks because MTH put a telescoping passenger stack on it. I used the lowered telescoping stack for one of the 3rd Rail 2900 Class engines. The new 3rd Rail 2900 Class makes evident there is a whole lot of appliances missing behind the trailing truck on the MTH engine. I'll have to work on that.
The MTH engine is the one furthest back.