Not that it is or isn't; but art being the same is no guarantee of the same maker, or printer. The print/ink styles would be a better comparison than the art itself.
Within advertising there is "generic" art released by companies for various comercial uses, usually ad creation, but sometimes for any promotion of the product in general. It is/was known as "cut art" and there used to be catalogs full of logos and items of everything you could imagine. You cut out a photo & maybe text etc., paste it on paper, then photograph it, and make a plate/screen by that photo . It still exists in digital forms today, and the whole photo bit has been replaced with scanning and or layered files, etc. since the 80s....
To white out some text, used to be no big deal.(gotta read the catalogs granted permissions, restrictions, etc.) Licensing has changed a lot and I imagine the reigns to be tighter today, but cut art availability is pretty important to help promotion when you aren't #1, 2 or even #3. They would likely rather see elimination of text than a blob for the most part too.