After many years of sitting in a box in the corner (the train, not me) I'm finally getting the trains of my childhood up and running. My original engine is a 1666 that is in pretty decent condition. About 7-8 years ago I had Caboose Hobbies in Denver change the pickups and give it a general tuneup. Two weeks ago I had a shop in the area look it over for problems. Had a bit of problem with the pickups making constant contact with the Fastrack rails but now it's running fine...except for this. If I attach more than 5-6 cars it seems to lose traction and simply spin the drivers. Is there a source for the "rubber band" type "tires" that would improve the grip?
Also the train has always slowed considerably when the whistle is blown. It requires adjusting the throttle open when the whistle is engaged then backing down the throttle when disengaged. That's fine if it's just set up on the floor and we're playing with it, but in a layout it would be a nuisance to be continually adjusting speed and whistle.
Last (for now) so far as I'm aware this engine has no provision for smoke. Can it be added? thnx in advance