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I am hoping the experts here will help me design a track plan for a 5x12-ish table.  Soon, we will rent a house that has a 16x13 room that is mine to use as a train room.  Initially I wanted to use the entire room for a layout but I have now decided to not go that route.  We will rent this house and probably live there only two years; therefore, I do not want to build an elaborate, large for me, layout for such a short period of time.  I want to run trains soon as they have been in boxes for almost two years.  Also, my comic book collection is growing and I would like to dedicate some of the room to that hobby.  I have a fair amount of Snap Track (K-Line and RMT) and FasTrack.  When I finally have a permanent layout I will probably not use either of these as Snap Track has limited availability and diameter size nowadays and I found FasTrack loud and expensive.  I do not want to invest in more track for a temporary layout and want to use my existing inventory.  At this time I am okay with the layout having two different track systems.  I operated conventional items and require O36 or less diameter curves. 

Here is a breakdown of most of my SnapTrack:

O31 Curves25
10" Straight6
20" Straight24
4.5" Straight10
10" Terminal2
60◦ Crossover1
O31 LH Switch1


I have similar items in FasTrack: 44-O36 curves, 1-LH switch, plenty of 10" straights, filler straights, and even the crossing grade with flashers.  I am open to buying a couple of more items if needed, but really do not want to invest much more money in either track systems.  I do have conversion pieces for both systems so I think I could link them.

What I want in this track plan: at least two independent main lines, some elevation but simple scenery, and room for a main street.  I have some Ameritowne buildings I want to use. 

I attached an Excel spreadsheet of what I envision for the room.  The room has no closets, has one door for the entrance, and emergency windows as it is in a finished basement.  There are no other obstructions in the room.  You will notice on the spreadsheet space I have dedicated for chairs, stools, and comic book storage.  Since I have only O31 and O36 curves, I am okay with the table being less wide as well. 

I have also attached an early photo of my last layout so you can see how I used the Snap Track.  I ended up moving the siding towards the coal tower. 

I have SCARM but it does not have Snap Track; however, I believe Lionel O is similar.

I appreciate all your help, input, and suggestions.

Thank you,



Images (1)
  • OH Layout 2
Files (1)
Last edited by Demay
Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Hi Joe,

The limiting factor is that the O31 curves won't sit inside of O36. So the table width is good to enable spreading the width. A 5' x 12' walk-around is nice.

Have you performed a search of the forum for "5 x 12" or "5 x 12 layout" for some ideas?

I thought of the 5' x 9' Lionel Dealer display layout that was for super O for the FasTrack. Now, how to work in a super snap line. Not much room left.

A D-264 . Could eliminate the two spurs or get another switch.

I'll ponder this some more - perhaps some old Lionel track plans will provide some ideas.



Images (2)
  • D-264A
  • D-264B


Thank you for the reply.  I did not know if O31 SuperSnap would fit into the O36 FasTrack as I have never used them together.  From what I read here, I knew O31 FasTrack did not.  I have searched the forum for ideas and found the following:

I like these but I have concerns with the crossover linking the two lines.  I want to use my crossover but I want to use it on only one line.  If the two lines are linked, I would like it to be with switches so I can control the link.  Also, I am willing to buy one or two more switches to facilitate a return loop or even storage tracks, but I do not want to buy more than that.  I do like the idea of a Lionel Dealer display style.



First, the track mating. The FasTrack, 6-12040, converts FasTrack connectors to O tubular style pins. Then one would adjust for rail height on the track being transitioned to. I looks like that would necessitate cutting the locking tabs off of the Super Snap.

I viewed the project as two separate loops of two different tracks types.

On the three layouts that found - the first two have compound curves of multiple diameters and more switches as you can see. You can contact him for a track count list if you want to explore those.

I think something like T-Mack's approach would look nice with your inventory. The Super Snap would look great on trestles. Then, perhaps a small "mountain area" in one corner or maybe two. That train could be moving people from one place to another or moving a commodity like granite or logs.

That would the FastTrack for the base level.

You have enough FasTrack for the Dealer Display layout, it would have space for buildings, but it would not permit enough space for another line of Super Snap.

So, I am still pondering some ideas.

You past layout was a good use of your inventory. I liked it.

Here is a 5X12 (just smaller than 5X12 actually) layout design to consider.   If you are determined to use your O-31, you could look to shrink the inside route from the current design.   But my experience and recommendation is to go with larger diameter when you can -   even though your trains may run on O31 or O27, they will look better on wider diameter curves.   Something to consider anyway.


Another version of the same design, but slightly stretched for the full 12 feet.:



Images (2)
  • M412-03-4X12_O36O48_v5d_forpic_image1
  • M412-03-4X12_O36O48_v8a
Last edited by Ken-Oscale

Here is another idea for you.   You can replace the Atlas-O elevated loop with your O-31 snaptrack, which will look good for the elevated trestle run.   And just delete the On30 line.


This version has a wide outer loop route of O-60, which will run O-54 standard trains, which is a nice feature on a small layout.

A five-foot wide table is going to be a problem with reach, unless you have space to have an aisle around most of the layout (2' wide aisle will be comfortable).   This layout is designed to be on a table that rolls to pull out for access and construction, but otherwise can sit in a corner or alcove.


Images (1)
  • M512FA-02_FinalPhase4
Last edited by Ken-Oscale


Working with the Super Snap in RR-Track, I discovered that the 60° cross won't work with the O30 curves. O42 SS curves are in 15° & 30° sections. You could cut a section of O30 in the center and create or purchase 4- O42 curves. See attached.

Anyhow, still pondering...

PS - Use Lionel O31 and a Ross (RCS) 60° in SCARM if you want to work on something.



Have you considered a shelf layout around the wall perimeter? It could vary in width from, say, a foot to two feet wide

or, perhaps corner to corner. It would take up a 44" square maximum in the FasTrack corners and a 34" in the O31 corners with an 18" - 36" run between them.

This arrangement works nicely in a multi-use room allowing the trains to exist without intruding on space. The trains would have nice long runs, plenty of space for scenic items and be entertaining running in the background.


The deck can be mounted on pylons and the fascia for the edge of the deck can be finished to be attractive. Then, it floats, not having legs and such. heck, store bought shelf brackets could be used.

Simple track plan that would use most of the track inventory.


Images (1)
  • Wall_Option


Thanks for the compliment on the last layout.  I think I posted more photos of it here when it was more finished.  I move about every two years so it is difficult to build completely finished layouts in that short timespan. 

I like the idea of a separated elevated line for the SnapTrack.  I am happy to keep both systems separate but I was thinking I could join them since I have a SnapTrack to Lionel tubular section and a FasTrack to tubular section, and some tubular laying around.  However, I can keep them separate and use those two switches to build sidings. 

With that being said, this idea of using the walls intrigues me.  As previously mentioned, I did think of first using an around-the-walls style, but I did not want to consume the entire room.  Are the circle areas use to represent the size used in those corners?


Thanks for the reply.  I always enjoy your creations.  I agree that we should use the largest diameter curve possible as the trains will definitely look better, but I do not want to purchase more track at this time.  I will not use FasTrack or SnapTrack when I finally build a permanent layout and want to keep the cost of his temporary layout minimal.  Also, SnapTrack is limited these days.



Thanks for the clarification.  I attached a SCARM file trying to create what I believe you mean, but I am not very creative with track placement and not proficient with SCARM.  I am not sure how to complete the connections or if I can work to main lines this way.  I used Lionel O for the SnapTrack and only used SnapTrack in this design as I believe I would only need to buy a couple of curves to complete it.  I am willing to buy a few more pieces if you come up with something better.  I am not opposed to adding another level (with a shelf and maybe use the FasTrack; even perhaps a subway) once the main level is complete and operational. 

The other shapes represent stools (red), chairs (blue), tables (brown), comics display case (tan), and a lamp (yellow).  The thin black shelves are for comics display.  I will probably display trains above the layout.  The 90-degree X in the corner represents a comics spinner rack. 


I forgot to mention before that I would have at least two feet all the way around the table top design.

Thank for helping,



Files (1)


the track count exceeds what you have in inventory. In SCARM, select Tools on the Menu Bar, then Parts List. I would use 40" in O to equal 2- 20" of SS or 12 total.

That's the concept.  Is there a reason that you do not want the corners against both walls?

The table got a little wide between corners. My initial thought was a loop of the FasTrack outside and a loop of the Super Snap inside.

here's my take on it. I would get an O31 RH switch and make two reverse loops with a single track between them to open up space for buildings and such.

I would like you to build a circle of FasTrack and circle of SS inside to confirm that there is sufficient clearance. The software shows yes, but it may not fit. Overhang on the inside could be an issue also, even if it physically fits. Train/cars colliding.

Played with the 3D for some eye candy. In the track count a 20" cut Gargraves equals a 20"SS and a cut LIonel to 4.5" equals an SS.



Images (3)
  • Demay_Wall_2_Loops
  • SS_O31_Reverse_Loop
  • Demay_Wall_2_Loops_Shelf_3D
Files (1)
Last edited by Moonman


This looks great.

The reason I did not have everything go into the corners was my concern for being able to reach them.  However, it looks like that will not be a problem based upon your design.  I am 5'10 and should be able to reach every spot.

Is this final version with FasTrack on the outside?  When I click on the track in the file, it shows Lionel O.  I am good doing it either way.  Do you think the reverse loops will fit?  I like that idea and can easily buy another switch now that RMT has a few in stock.  All my trains are currently with the rest of my household belongings en route back to the US.  We leave Germany on Tuesday and will be in our rental house on the 19th.  I do not expect my belongings to arrive until the end of February.  By that time I will have the comics area complete and will test the track circles once the belongings arrive.



I would not call it final. I would build it with the two reverse loops for the SS track and open up the narrow table for buildings and such. One or two SS switches would do it. Check eBay and NicholasSmithTrains also.

We also need to confirm the tight fit of the two circles on the ends.

Lionel O is displayed for track type. In the lower left corner the detail of a selected displays the part number, in this case FasTrack.

The will also be a little creativity needed to fit the SS, as you can see.

I really think that the reverse loops on the inner are the way to go.

Good luck on the cargo movement and I wish you safe travels.

We'll talk on the other side.

Best Regards,


Last edited by Moonman

Carl and Ken,

Carl was right, the design is definitely not final.  After moving into the rental house and evaluating the room further, I realized it is not a complete 16' x 13' rectangular-shaped room.  The wall where the door to access the room is located is angled causing two of the walls to be much shorter.  I updated the spreadsheet for a better representation.  Likewise, I updated the SCARM dimensions as well and shaded a certain triangle area as now unusable due to the wall angle and the door opening.  Since the layout will need less track, I think going with all Super Snap is the way to go for uniformity and sound.  I acquired another LH switch and a RH switch and I see some Super Snap for sale on the forum now.  I think I have just about enough to cover the two designs I created, but if not I only need a couple of pieces which are for sale now.  Also, I noticed the seller has 96" curves (for easements) available which is something I have not even considered.

I shortened the shelf style and tried to fit the reversing loops but I may be off on track spacing.  I think I like this style better as it leaves the room more open.

For the table top design, I would have to make the layout movable to access all the sides; however, this design allows a passing siding and one long spur, and more room for scenery.  Although, it heavily infringes on the room. 

I would like to know your thoughts and appreciate your help.




Did the relo go as planned?

Not seeing the room makes it a difficult to answer your question. What are the yellow objects?

After only seeing the geometry in VA3, I would have flipped the shelf layout to the full walls. The door opens away from the table end. Rounding the corner off of the door end would help.

Why can't a wall video hang over the layout? Windows can be fit around or the table height gets set at sill height.




The relocation is going as expected.  We will not receive all of our household items for another month but we have enough items in the house to survive.  This is our 10th move in 23 years so we are used to the pace.  I would like to start the benchwork before everything arrives as I have plenty of room now.

I attached a photo of the shortest wall containing the door to the room as well as my attempt at a pano photo.  The yellow objects in the spreadsheet were tables or comic book storage items.

I like the idea of flipping the layout, but you have it on the second and third longest walls.  Also, the measurements on the one wall are too short.  It should be 129 inches not a 143 inches. 

There are no video items in this room.  I may have confused you in my original post; this room will also serve as my comic book reading/storage area.  I will have shelves on one wall to display comic books.  The walls above the layout will contain shelves for train display.  There are no windows in this room; it is in a finished basement.




Images (2)
  • IMG_0561
  • IMG_0562


The layout planning is evolving so I decided to update the Topic as well.  I will most likely not use a 5' x 12' table in order to minimize the layout footprint in the room.  You can read above as to what I would like to do in this room.  The SCARM plan I added is basic but I am trying to remain within the size as defined by the fascia border.  I have acquired two more switches which gives me three: two LH and one RH.  I want to use Super Snap for the entire layout and I should only have to buy a couple of pieces.  Here is one things I still want input about before I go final:

1.  Can this be made more interesting?

I am willing to buy one or two more switches if that's what it takes.  I am also willing to elevate some areas.  I only want to include a handful of buildings (Ameritowne) for a town scene.  I can probably spare a few more inches if needed, but I do not want to build access hatches in order to reach anywhere, which is why I left space on one side.  I appreciate all the input provided.

Thank you,




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