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Please help me if you can.


I removed a Korber building because it wasn't really right for the area it sat in and replaced it with a Plasticville platform. That leaves the area where the platform came from very bare. 


Looking for something industrial, narrow (the gravel is part of a road) and maybe an operating accessory? The dimensions are 7.5" long and 3.5 or 4" wide. I'd like it to go good with the Marx crane that is there already and I'm not too keen on chasing fake coal everywhere (The real disappearing coal load!).


Any ideas?







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Original Post

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I like rtraincollector's thoughts...


Why not use the gravel area to create a scrapping scene?  Grab some derelict, mutilated plastic freight cars from a junker box at the next show.  Cut them into logical pieces...roof sections, side panels, end panels, underframe pieces, etc...and then rust/weather the pieces.  Maybe even heat-deform a few (bends, crash remnants, etc.) for interest.  Then pile them up with a bunch of other scrap metal 'thingies'.


For animation, put a scrapping crew by the pile and embed a torch light from one of the lighting sources  (Miniatronics, for example....there are others)  Guys with hammers and other tools (Arttista has lots to choose from).  Maybe set a job-site compressor (2-wheeler variety, for example...Bowser/Selley has a neat one) with some 'hoses' leading to the work area.


Then, mount a speaker under the table at the scrap site.  Consider using one of ITT Products HQ sound modules that complement the scene.  I'd recommend considering HQ618-3, Salvage Yard, or any of the series HQ700-703, Track Workers, that have sounds appropriate to the visuals you've created.  Or George (ITT) will create a module with the sounds (e.g., mostly welding, torch-cutting) you specifically are looking for at (usually) no additional charge .


Wire the lighting and the sound to an activation button at the table's edge or on your control panel. 


There ya go!  Inexpensive, lights, sound, ...complementary to the crane.  Park a gondola on the side track with a junk load in it.  Done.


Well, you wanted an opinion....


FWIW, always....





Last edited by dkdkrd


Thanks for the help. A small scrap yard, trackside shanty and some fencing would work great. I also have a surface pumping unit and tank nearby, that's why there's the size constraints. I was thinking of building a transfer station out of an old Marx car and using that in between the tracks on the other end.

I should have also shown you pictures of the other end of the layout where the Korber building was:

I suppose I could carefully cut the piles of scrap that are already sitting around and use them to line the fence, along with the old drums and that tractor.

Thanks guys!


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  • end
  • other end
Last edited by SteamWolf

Steamwolf,Have you been to Rusty Rail's site:

@      Phone: (559) 434-3363

You might like the variety and enjoy combining and weathering some of their pieces into that site of yours.



Here are some photos I borrowed for you to see of some of their items for sale on their site...

OscaleHoboshack [6)

2012Nov0001 [29)

OScaleShack [2)



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  • OscaleHoboshack (6)
  • 2012Nov0001 (29)
  • OScaleShack (2)
  • PICT0051
Last edited by Moonson
Originally Posted by Moonson:


Steamwolf,Have you been to Rusty Rail's site:


You might like the variety and enjoy combining and weathering some of their pieces into that site of yours.



Here are some photos I borrowed for you to see of some of their items for sale on their site...

OscaleHoboshack [6)

2012Nov0001 [29)

OScaleShack [2)



WOW!!! awesome, just having a poke around their website, so many ideas! definitely going to have to order from the
, thank you so much!
Originally Posted by Moonson:


I'm real glad you're happy, Fuzz, with what I have suggested you consider as an answer. You just made my Sunday!



Awesome! I was already pretty well on my way with how I have it set out now but that website I'm just over the moon with! There are so many opportunities to superdetail things i have sitting around now! And I can reassemble my Marx caboose!



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Originally Posted by SteamWolf:
Originally Posted by Moonson:


I'm real glad you're happy, Fuzz, with what I have suggested you consider as an answer. You just made my Sunday!


Awesome! I was already pretty well on my way with how I have it set out now but that website I'm just over the moon with! There are so many opportunities to superdetail things i have sitting around now! And I can reassemble my Marx caboose!


That's real nice! Now I understand the site and your ideas better and can see how you would like the products offered by Rusty to further flesh-out the whole narrative there. I really like how you have that old caboose the focal point. You are going to make the whole site a gem, I have a feeling. Do keep us informed of your progress, if you please. This will be an enjoyable adventure.


Originally Posted by Moonson:


Here are some shots of a junk yard I did that might give you some more ideas...



Junk yard

Old guy at the Yard

Visitor at the Gate

I think foliage in and around such a site is helpful,too, in making it believable.


That's an awesome scene! I think the biggest thing my layout is lacking right now to make the whole thing more believable, is a backdrop. Going to either order one or start watching Bob Ross videos on youtube. Happy little trees everywhere!

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