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Hi everyone. I'm planning a new layout. I will be using MTH Realtrax and hooking up to WTIU. Will be using 4 Z1000 bricks to each of the inputs. I need some help with wiring on this layout. My goal is to have 3 trains running at once and I've marked the directions of the trains on each loop. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

3 loop


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  • 3 loop
Original Post

The configuration of your turnouts is the classic ' S' curve problem if you go from the inside to outside track directly.  Also, unless you run slow, with 3 trains running, one train is going to have to stop to let another move across turnouts, and then get out of the way before a head on.  Consider spreading out the turnouts or adding more to make 1/2 of each loop as a passing siding for the loop next to it.  Then with the timing right, you can mix it up without having to stop anything.  The rest,  can't be a help with as I am old school,  AC from a pair of ZW's.

Last edited by CALNNC

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