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I have an MTH Railking Union Pacific train set that has been sitting in the box for ten years. I now have enough time to set it up but i would like more than a 4ft by 8ft layout and i would like to include mountain scenery. Can anyone give me advice on how to get started with this and what should i do about keeping the track noise down using Realtrax.

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Kind of a HUGE topic for a single post.

I'd start with establishing the area you have for a layout.

Then how much room and money you want to allocate.

When you get the amount of room you will use......figure out do you want toy style loops of tracks or more realistic layout? Repro a old Lionel Display layout all the way to a designof  your own.

Once you figure out the room, money and type layout.....come back here and post that info and I bet you'll get better info.

I could advise but it may be a waste of time if it's nothing like what you want....

Last edited by AMCDave
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