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Morning Mark, I am glad you're feeling better! We have a shelf full of the Hard stuff that the Dr. prescribed after neck dissection. Pill form of Morphine that I might have taken 2 times and put on a high shelf as it was just not for me!

I will continue to pray for a speedy recovery and hope you feel better each and every day!

Thank you, Mike, Rubin, Andy, Jim!

Continuing the story on the Burger Hut; I couldn't sleep last night, so I thought I would give it a go once again.  I came down this afternoon, and discovered I had glued the parts correctly this time.  I need to clean up the edges a little more before I glue on the little brick cover strips that are laying right at the rear of the building.

Building models isn't on the list of things patients aren't supposed to do until the meds wore off!  How is one to know???? 


The custom sign Andre etched for me. 



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Thank you, Myles, Mike, Bob!

Myles, yes Andre Garcia.  I remember he worked with you on some projects.  Here is the scoop on his homepage.  He says he closed in October last year.  

Andre’s kit has a narrower front window than the real Burger Hut, but it certainly passes for the real thing.

Mike and Bob, they make a good Reuben also.

I got a little more done on the Burger Hut last night when I couldn’t sleep.

the windows and side door are in.  The front door is a bit loose fitting, so I left it go for the time being.  The red rectangles are the strips that go on top of the brick walls to keep the rain from seeping through.  I need to get some better lit photographs of the brick.  I tried a new technique for painting the brick and I like the results first go round.  When does that ever happen???  🤷‍♂️


Earlier, I painted the interior.  White walls with black roughly where the roof will sit.  Note that River Leaf Models didn’t include any strips to support the roof.  The roofs of both my kits from Andre are exact fit.  Also, Andre didn’t provide bases/floors.  I will look through my scraps for something to make a base.



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Last edited by Mark Boyce

RJ, I look at it as, Better late than never!  😊  That’s the great thing about the Forum format, anyone can jump in and write something, a day, week, month, year later, whenever you see the posts.

Thank you.  For underneath I was thinking it would be easiest to hand a section off LED road lights.  As for the buildings on the lift-off or tilt-up as was suggested, I would just use some kind of easy disconnect plug on each building.  This section will not have many, if any other buildings.  Across the double tracks and over the yard tracks will be another lift-off/lift-up, probably two sections.  That will be a town section, so a lot more plugs.  In fact, even other buildings on solid benchwork would still need plugs.  Thank you for asking.  I can certainly get ahead of myself.  

Last edited by Mark Boyce

I updated the thread title Burger Hut Kit "Done".  Done is because the "kit" is done, but I will be adding some interior and exterior details in the future.  I am going to say it is done for now, since I don't have the details on hand like with my other structures. 

Here is a front quarter view as it stands now.  Notice some nice details Andre included.  First is the laser etched plexiglass for the front door and window.  Those are really nice.  The 'Burger Hut' raised letter sign is a nice touch as well.  I wasn't sure if I wanted the 'Eat" arrow sign, but decided it added too much character to not add it.


I mentioned the other day about the technique I used for the bricks.  Here is a close up view of the bricks.  Closeup you can tell the mortar joints aren't painted separately.  I just kept dry brushing burnt sienna acrylic craft paint on the tops of the bricks hoping to leave the lighter color of the laser cut material showing to not bother with mortar.  That didn't quite work out, but I like the variations in brick color.  I decided not to mess with it any further.  From normal viewing distance, I am well pleased with the results.


Here is the opposite side and rear of the building which was designed to look like stucco that is starting to fall off.  These two sides definitely need weathered if they are going to show when the town is built.  I will cross that bridge when and if I come to it.  I think another building will probably be placed right up beside this one.


Ah, the base.  I cut it out of some thick styrene I have and glued on little posts to center the building when placed on the base.  I need to decide what treatment I want for the foundation.  But as I said at the top of this post, the kit itself is done.


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@Mark Boyce posted:

I updated the thread title Burger Hut Kit "Done".  Done is because the "kit" is done, but I will be adding some interior and exterior details in the future.  I am going to say it is done for now, since I don't have the details on hand like with my other structures. 

Here is a front quarter view as it stands now.  Notice some nice details Andre included.  First is the laser etched plexiglass for the front door and window.  Those are really nice.  The 'Burger Hut' raised letter sign is a nice touch as well.  I wasn't sure if I wanted the 'Eat" arrow sign, but decided it added too much character to not add it.

I mentioned the other day about the technique I used for the bricks.  Here is a close up view of the bricks.  Closeup you can tell the mortar joints aren't painted separately.  I just kept dry brushing burnt sienna acrylic craft paint on the tops of the bricks hoping to leave the lighter color of the laser cut material showing to not bother with mortar.  That didn't quite work out, but I like the variations in brick color.  I decided not to mess with it any further.  From normal viewing distance, I am well pleased with the results.

Here is the opposite side and rear of the building which was designed to look like stucco that is starting to fall off.  These two sides definitely need weathered if they are going to show when the town is built.  I will cross that bridge when and if I come to it.  I think another building will probably be placed right up beside this one.

Ah, the base.  I cut it out of some thick styrene I have and glued on little posts to center the building when placed on the base.  I need to decide what treatment I want for the foundation.  But as I said at the top of this post, the kit itself is done.

Mark, your burger joint looks great. I also enjoyed the step-by-step tutorial.

Thank you, Joe, Gene, John, George, Bob!!

Gene, thank you, I was really pleased with the results.  Yes, I think it is easier to get nice effects on wood than it is on styrene or other plastics.  In this case, I took it slow, and it almost just happened on its own. 

George, I yam what I yam!!

Bob, Yes, I thought the sign may be too garish for a small town joint, but then similar signs started being drawn from deep in my memory. 

John, Bob, Everyone.  I get my staples out tomorrow and get evaluated to see if I should start PT.  Having been here before, I'm going to guess that will be the case.  My wife says the incision looks good.  The pain isn't as bad as it was a week ago, but my back does tire quickly.  More important to me is that since surgery, I have not felt tingling going down my legs and I haven't felt like my knees would give out.  That tells me that whatever was pressing on the nerves, isn't doing it anymore.  Thank you so much for asking!

Last edited by Mark Boyce

Great skills on display with the build.  Watching your progress, especially while dealing with medical issues, puts me to shame.  Best wishes for continued recovery.

I can't recall if your layout has ever been in the magazine.  If it hasn't, it should be - between the design, innovative use of space, and workmanship, it definitely deserves to be in print.  And doing so will earn you a little bit of extra train cash.  Tagging @Allan Miller...

Thanks for sharing your progress.

Last edited by Mallard4468

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