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@Mark Boyce posted:

Thank you, Gene, Jay, Dave, Rubin, Larry, John, Alan, Bob, Mike!!!

...snip... when I dabbled in On30 because HO trains and models were getting too small   I barely started it when my mother-in-law enticed us to buy her in-law's house 12 years ago.  I put it away and then discovered OGR Magazine in a Giant Eagle grocery store near where I worked.  It was the issue that featured Dave Minarik's now closed Mercer Junction Train Shoppe store layout about a 45-minute drive from home.  The next Saturday, I visited Dave and came home with a RailKing train set.  It wasn't long before I sold the On30 engine and cars and the rest is history. ...snip...

Considering what you have done in three-rail O, I just can not imagine what your "could-have-been" On2½ layout would be like!

Prayers for your surgery and recovery.

Thank you, Myles, T-Bone1214, Darrell, Rubin, Ben, Dave, and Dave!!

Myles, you are so right!  This is group therapy.  Does a member need physical support?  Another member needs emotional support at the loss of a spouse or pet.  I could go on.

In response to everyone, I have been through enough of these 'setbacks' to do just what I am told.  Besides my dear wife Kim is a retired Registered Nurse, so she keeps me on the straight and narrow.  Also, the doctor listed the possible problems, and that there is no guarantee that I will get back to 100%, but I will work towards that goal.  Thank you! 

Darrell, what a great sentiment; Wunderbar! Thank you!

Ben, the hinge is a great idea.  Even before looking at the layout, I was able to envision the hinged section.  I can certainly imagine myself losing my balance and falling as well!  I'll work that out after I recover!

Dave PRRMP54, I have imagined what I could have done in On2-1/2.  Trying to cram what I have into an 11x11 room makes one think of those things.  I bought a Bachmann 2-6-0 with DCC and sound and a Shay without DCC and sound at the Monroeville, Pennsylvania Greenberg Show at a great price even though I didn't have DCC.  I also bought a few log cars.  Bachmann really makes some sweet equipment in that scale.  I didn't have DCC and was surprised by the sound worked on the 2-6-0 running conventional.  I sold almost all my HO trains and used the money to help our daughters by books, etc. for college.  It didn’t go far, but I was starting from scratch again with trains moneywise.  Once I had the RailKing O gauge set, I couldn’t imagine running a narrow-gauge short line layout.  I wanted to emulate mainline running.  Of course, I could have run the On2-1/2 trains anyway I wanted, but the preaching by the HO media sources for prototype modeling and running was ingrained.  I do like the freedom in O Gauge where nearly everyone says, “It’s your railroad, run it any way you want.”

Mark, it always impresses me how you are able to make something wonderful out of scrap. The lift out looks great. It’s positioned nicely and kind of prelude to what the visitor will see after they walk into the room more.
Sorry to hear about your pending back surgery, but as you mentioned, all things considered it does sound like a quicker recovery and hopefully a better outcome for you. I’ll keep a good thought for you and for a speedy recovery.



I am finding I made a mistake when wiring my Ross switches.  I decided not to bother wiring for non-derail thinking I could remember to throw switches when needed.  Wrong!!!!!  Nearly every time I have a derailment, it is because I forgot to throw a switch.  Once I get up and able to do it, I am going to have to rewire for non-detail.  So far the only damage has been a broken step on two hopper cars, but I know I am on borrowed time.  I am certainly glad I did install PSX1-AC fast breakers on each Z4000 output.


I feel your pain. I did the same thing on my last layout and I’ve sworn not to make the same mistake again. We’ll see how well I do, especially since I really want to get some trains running by Labor Day when my New York grandchildren come out.
I’ve never installed any breakers beyond those on my Z-4000, without harm, but I’ve probably just been lucky.

Get well soon


@Mark Boyce posted:

I am finding I made a mistake when wiring my Ross switches.  I decided not to bother wiring for non-derail thinking I could remember to throw switches when needed.  Wrong!!!!!  Nearly every time I have a derailment, it is because I forgot to throw a switch.  Once I get up and able to do it, I am going to have to rewire for non-detail.  So far the only damage has been a broken step on two hopper cars, but I know I am on borrowed time.  I am certainly glad I did install PSX1-AC fast breakers on each Z4000 output.

Don't ask me how many times I've forgotten to throw the two switches that I converted to manual.......

And they are right in front of me on the edge of the layout too......

@Mark Boyce, Mark, yes we will be praying for your upcoming surgery, may the Lord Bless you. Now, you hit the nail on the head, wire the Ross switches for non-derailing when you install them, years later our bodies may not bend easily as when we were younger… I did the same thing with a few switches thinking my memory would allow the switching. Nope, it didn’t….So, to remedy the issue, we set up Routes via the Lionel ASC’s with the Cab 1L and Cab2 remotes, ta-da, problem solved. Each of my switches work with the remotes. Good luck, we are here for you. Your friend in Tennessee. Happy Railroading Everyone

Mark, I have my fair share of derailments. But most of mine are usually involved in train movements to get at a area I’m working on. Or getting a car or engine to the layouts edge to remove it to be worked on. My thought process is more on doing the the job I’m going to do than running trains. When I do just sit down and operate a train. Running that train  becomes my main focus.  I seldom if ever have a lapse and forget to throw a turnout. Running more of a rural road.  I’ve got into the habit of stopping the train and pausing while the turnout is hand thrown. Then stopping again to throw it back.

While a non derailing feature is nice. I think when you get past the major construction and just run trains it will happen less.

  Mark, Best of luck with your upcoming surgery.

Last edited by Dave_C

Thank you, Bob, Bill, Gene, Larry, Dave!

I see I am in good company. 😊

Larry, I do have switches controlled by the remote and should set up routes to get the best use of it.  I just haven’t done that yet.   I think Bill mentioned it to me a few months ago since he helped me with the wiring requirements to set it all up. 😊

Dave, I run trains slowly and could slow or stop them to throw a switch as you do.  One mistake is I try to set them up ahead of time, then don’t think the whole way ahead.  I’m sure you are right, when I get more used to running the layout I will be able to do better.

Many thanks ahead of time for thoughts and prayers for my upcoming surgery Wednesday!!!

I still don't know how to run my layout as well as I should considering the track's been down for over 10 years. I'm just not running it enough to become a habit. I still have to physically look at each switch to make sure it's set right. I don't trust the lights on the Z-Stuff for Train operating buttons. I've lost line-of-sight on some of the switches with installations, so it's really better to run the layout with helpers (which I don't seem to have any longer now that they've grown up).

Thank you, Myles, Peter, Pat!!

Myles, I had a time with those Z-Stuff LEDs as well.  I thought I wired correctly, but still have a couple that I couldn’t figure out and finally gave up.

Bob, I have 4 switches for the new yard that I made manual.  They are right up at the layout edge, within easy reach.  I can remember those except the one that connects to the lower mainline.  🤷‍♂️

I know the surgeon and the therapists, and they know all my previous surgeries.  That has to count for something. 👍🏻👍🏻

Thank you, John and Jay!

Jay, Over the weekend, I did a little pre-painting of the diner and gathered up some tools and materials to take upstairs in case I don't want to do the stairs much the first few days.  From the last back surgery, I know he will want me to use them some, but not a lot at first.  You are so right, we really have a lot invested in Tri-Rivers Orthopedics!    My wife asked the knee surgeon if he would give us a BoGo when I needed a knee replacement right after her second.    You got me counting.  This will be my 5th surgery with their group, and Kim has had 4, with a hand problem waiting in the wings.  We are even on a first name basis with the surgical group at Butler Memorial Hospital.  Oh, I can't forget, NovaCare Physical Therapy group has seen a lot of as well!! 

Jay, Thank you for asking!!!   The anesthesia wore off last night, and I hurt from the middle of my back on down my legs.    However, it isn't as bad as when I had the fusion or knee replacement!!  The doctor told my wife that everything went really well, I was still in recovery.  I didn't see him because all the surgeries were backed up an hour and a half due to a computer blitz!    Actually, this is a very good hospital, the nurses did the incoming on paper (that's because they were both old like me), but other things had to wait a while.  I go back to see him on Monday the 24th to get the staples out and general evaluation.  If all goes to plan, then he will give me the script to start PT, let me drive the car if I want, and lift a little more than the 10-pound limit right now.

I am allowed, and in fact encouraged, to use the stairs to the train room, but I haven't done anything train related.  Thank you everyone for all the prayers and good thoughts!!!

Good morning Mark, that’s great news echoing over the OGR Forum that your surgery was successful and you’re on the mend. That’s great, keep up the good work and keep us updated. By the way, the New 2023 Lionel wish book has many items that would look great on your layout…. Western Maryland mania…. Wow…. Have a great weekend. Your friend from Tennessee… Happy Railroading Everyone IMG_6994


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Good to hear that the surgery went well Mark. Maybe it will be like when I had my wisdom teeth out. A few days of pain as the prescription of pain meds didn't do shoot(other word) for me, so I stopped taking them. It couldn't sleep much, but after the second day passed, I was better.

I do hope that it is easy, and yes, you are not old. My oldest aunt is coming in today from North Carolina and she is 85. She still gets around like she is ten years younger, and still sharp as a whip.

Morning Mark, I am sorry I haven't been around lately, I am glad that your surgery went well and that your doing well! I think you might want to make sure you take it easy on the Burger Hut while on your medication! LOL it could turn into a donut Hut! LOL

Honestly I hope you are doing well and I will be watching how things are coming along! Our prayers are with you and for a speedy recovery!

Thank you, Rubin, Steve, Larry, Dave, Mike, Darrell!

Larry, the former C&O Challenger 1309 is great for sure!!  The description says it can handle 054 curves like mine, though I’m sure the overhang would make me have to make clearance adjustments.  Unfortunately, that engine is waaayyy over what my budget can handle.

Your photograph of me in Hobby Express reminded me to tell you, they did lease the unit to the left of the other two units.  That whole section is full of trains and die cast cars.  The engine wall is bigger than ever!

Dave, I had one wisdom tooth extraction get infected, but that was not nearly what this is.  My mother-in-law is 87, 20 years and a few months older than me, and she has only started to be unstable this year.

Mike, well I’m trying to not take the hard stuff he gave me, but I haven’t been allowed to take my regular pain prescription since 5 days before surgery.  That will last until I see Doc on the 24th.  On the other hand, I do have to be careful on the Burger Hut.  It could turn into a Dollar General!!  It seems they are popping up everywhere, even in cornfields. 😄

Darrell, thank you!  BZ

I have wondered what hardboard Andre used for his River Leaf kits.  I learned if you make a mistake it is easy to pull the glued parts apart.  The hardboard gives way at the glued joint, and the joint cleans up easily.  I’ve glued wall sections together twice and had to pull them apart.  Andre used right angle joints on his kits.  I turned out the lights and moseyed back to the couch.  🙄
I think I must still be affected by the stuff they gave me at the hospital!!  😄

Last edited by Mark Boyce

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