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Just came in from the TCA:


Fellow TCA members,


          The purpose of this email is to inform you that the TCA yearly dues substantially increased and why that increase was necessary. Starting immediately, the dues will be increased from $35 to $50 per year. Dues for Family members, formerly $1.00 have increased to $2.00. Kids Club members who turn their Kids Club membership into a full TCA member will pay $25.00 as will Associate members. I'll start off by saying that the last dues increase was six years ago and there should have been increases during that period. Here's why:


          For the Fiscal Year 2013-14 budget the total TCA total budgeted expenses divided by the number of dues paying members results in a cost per member of $62.89. Another way of presenting this is that each member will pay $50 in dues and receive $62.89 in benefits. For the previous years the actual amount of benefits received by each member per year is tabulated below:


          Fiscal Year 2013-14          $62.89

          Fiscal Year 2012-13           $53.41

          Fiscal Year 2011-12          $45.40

          Fiscal Year 2010-11          $44.13


          After seeing these numbers the question that pops out is why the increase for this years 2013-2014 budget. The answer is simply this. (1) A 10% drop in dues paying members is projected due to the dues increase. (2) The museum is showing its age and many repairs are necessary. There are major repairs scheduled to occur in the next 3 years and others scheduled out to the next 30+ years. In past years repairs to the museum and business office have been budgeted and paid for in the year that they occurred and in some cases, loans were taken out to pay for them. This will be different from now on. As done with most condo associations, TCA must set money aside each year to pay for future repairs when they are anticipated. For example, the carpets in the museum are scheduled to be replaced in years 2015 and 2030. Money must be set aside for both replacements this year, half for the first replacement, if it is to be done in two years and approximately one sixteenth for the second replacement to be done 16 years later. To summarize, all future repairs to the museum and business office are scheduled and moneys will be set aside each year and put in a "Reserves for Capital Improvements" account to pay for them when scheduled. Your division president either has or can get access to all this information.  This information is sensitive as it has employee salary information and thus can only be made available to TCA division presidents.


          Next I will discuss TCA income. Dues are the major, but not only, source of income needed to balance the budget. Other sources of income are investment income, fundraisers, advertising, conventions, annual appeal, donations, legacy trips, museum admissions, museum store, etc. Over the last few years TCA was very fortunate to receive substantial bequests from the estates of diseased members. For example, last year the cash donations totaled almost $305,000 and $71,000 the prior year. These funds were used to balance the budget during those years. This year we are anticipating donations of only $5,000. From the time a will is probated to the time TCA receives the money the process could take years and currently there is "no money in the pipeline".


          There will be donations of trains to the museum this year. They will be accessed in the museum collection and if any trains are de-accessioned, the moneys generated through the sale will be set aside for future train purchases only. These funds will not be used to help balance the budget as done in the past.


          I mentioned earlier that for the fiscal year 2013-14 budget the total TCA budgeted expenses divided by the number of dues paying members is $62.89. Now I'll try to explain where that money goes through the pie chart Bob Mintz developed shown below. Starting at the 12 o'clock position on the pie chart and going clockwise around it the slices are categorized by the list to the right of the chart. I'll just make a few points relative to the chart. All employee costs, except for the librarian, are in the National Business Office slice. The librarian's salary plus benefits costs are in the Reference Library slice (along with all other costs such as cleaning, heat, AC, etc). The major change from previous years is the "Reserve For Capital Improvements" slice which is $14.85 per member. This is approximately five dollars higher than the previous year.


TCA Expense Chart



          This is probably the first time many members have had some insight into what it takes to run TCA thanks to Treasurer Bob Mintz and his spread sheet magic. It is also the first time for many division presidents and officers as well (myself included). I'm not trying to defend the budget but just telling you "it is what it is".


          This budget was not hastily developed. The numbers I am quoting you are from version 21 of the budget. Bob Mintz has spent hundreds, if not thousands, of hours generating this information. This was an especially arduous task due to the untimely death of the past TCA treasurer Bill Kotek. The entire BOD has also gone through this budget on a line-by-line basis. There may not be 100% agreement by all BOD members on each line item in the budget, but I feel all BOD members agree it is 100% accurate.


During the BOD meeting there were discussions on where cuts to the budget could be made in the future through the use of technology. The role of the Internet Committee has been expanded and that committee has been renamed the Internet & Technology Committee to address these topics. I'll save those discussions for a later time.


Have fun,


Bob Obara

TCA President

Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by david1:

He rarely post here so give him a break. Rich or Allan will move it to the proper location.


Too  many forum police IMO. 


Just a note that may have been missed - this wasn't posted here by TCA President Bob Obara. This is the contents of an email sent to TCA members that was posted here by Whippany.


So if you are questioning any part of the message, you won't be speaking directly to Bob unless he chooses to participate here.



Originally Posted by Jim Policastro:

Just a note that may have been missed - this wasn't posted here by TCA President Bob Obara. This is the contents of an email sent to TCA members that was posted here by Whippany.


So if you are questioning any part of the message, you won't be speaking directly to Bob unless he chooses to participate.



Good point, Jim!  I missed that myself.  Thanks for the clarification.  Bob's e-mail to members (copied and repeated here) certainly is useful.

It doesn't look like an unfamiliar spreadsheet for a lot of companies/organisations with the bulk of the outgoings being staff/people.


In this modern day approach to looking at survival, the easiest area to target are the staff and lots of companies are taking the 'Lean' concept at how to make ongoing 10-15% reductions year on year. 


If membership continues to decline then some drastic cuts will need to be made for the TCA to survive.

Wow….38% of the budget for the National Business office, it costs more for the Train Collectors Quarterly than the National Museum and newsletters represent a whopping 23% of the budget! 


Numerous opportunities to cut costs but, hey, let’s raise rates 40% first.


If being a member wasn’t a requirement to attend York I would not be renewing my membership.



Originally Posted by Greg Houser:


Numerous opportunities to cut costs but, hey, let’s raise rates 40% first.


You been out there working with them at the TCA offices and Museum, Greg?  Ever had to run an organization--even one with a very small paid staff--where you have to routinely pay taxes, benefits, etc.?  And then, of course, there are the customary overhead costs, electricity, water, maintenance, trash disposal, grounds maintenance, Internet provider, etc., etc.


The TCA and the NMRA are the only organizations in this hobby that have first-rate real-world offices, libraries, museum displays, and other facilities.  Both organizations and all their members can be justifiably proud of these showcases for the hobby.  I know I sure am!  But perhaps you would prefer them to lock-up the place and move everything into some rented office space in a low-rent strip mall.  Should be plenty of that kind of space available in and around the bankrupt Harrisburg area.


The way some folks here P--- & Moan over a crummy $15 annual dues increase--especially in a hobby like this one--absolutely astounds me.  Truly amazing!  You spend more than that just to put less than 5 gallons of gas in your car (way less than 5 gallons depending on where you live).  Give it a break already!





Yes Allan, I do run an incorporated non-profit organization.  Not as large as the TCA but with an annual budget just under 500k.  


If a 40% one-time increase in fees is acceptable to you then by all means maintain your membership no questions asked.


I myself, prefer to ask what is the money being spent on and how may we allocate those dollars more efficiently towards meeting the mission statement of the organization. 





Fellas and Gals,


I would like to post my opinion here: Seldom have I seen such a well presented explanation of cost and a well detailed pie chart.


Very well done fellas!  Here's to a well cost contained run of six years without a dues increase! (We have cost of living increases every year here in NY State!)


If I haven't made it clear yet,here goes I support this dues increase!


Good job representing the general membership interests!


Mike Maurice

Originally Posted by Greg Houser:

If a 40% one-time increase in fees is acceptable to you then by all means maintain your membership no questions asked.


You can be absolutely, 100% certain that I will!  If the dues were $100 a year I personally would have no objection to paying them.  The TCA represents far more than York to me.


TCA officers are elected by YOU and me.  YOU and I elect them to handle the operation of the organization (including finances) in a proper manner.  They do not owe YOU and I a line-item accounting of how they handle their duties.

I have never seen so much whining, teeth gnashing, and the like over a lousy $15.00. I think they should have raised it to $75.00 per year but knowing all the whining over $15.00 now i know why they did not. 


if you can't afford $15.00 to increase the dues then you can't afford to buy trains period. 


if you leave the TCA because of the increase then shame on you.





I'm agreeing with Allan again...the world must be close to ending.
Originally Posted by Allan Miller:
Originally Posted by Greg Houser:


Numerous opportunities to cut costs but, hey, let’s raise rates 40% first.


You been out there working with them at the TCA offices and Museum, Greg?  Ever had to run an organization--even one with a very small paid staff--where you have to routinely pay taxes, benefits, etc.?  And then, of course, there are the customary overhead costs, electricity, water, maintenance, trash disposal, grounds maintenance, Internet provider, etc., etc.


The TCA and the NMRA are the only organizations in this hobby that have first-rate real-world offices, libraries, museum displays, and other facilities.  Both organizations and all their members can be justifiably proud of these showcases for the hobby.  I know I sure am!  But perhaps you would prefer them to lock-up the place and move everything into some rented office space in a low-rent strip mall.  Should be plenty of that kind of space available in and around the bankrupt Harrisburg area.


The way some folks here P--- & Moan over a crummy $15 annual dues increase--especially in a hobby like this one--absolutely astounds me.  Truly amazing!  You spend more than that just to put less than 5 gallons of gas in your car (way less than 5 gallons depending on where you live).  Give it a break already!






Originally Posted by david1:

I have never seen so much whining, teeth gnashing, and the like over a lousy $15.00. I think they should have raised it to $75.00 per year but knowing all the whining over $15.00 now i know why they did not. 


if you can't afford $15.00 to increase the dues then you can't afford to buy trains period. 


if you leave the TCA because of the increase then shame on you.






Raise the dues $15 a year and it's the end of the world, but if you got a $15 a year raise you'd feel ripped off. I had mentioned a while ago about raising the dues $15 a year to cover museum costs and funding a TCA only forum to allow the TCA and it's members to communicate better with each other without the armchair/Monday morning quarterbacking from non members like we see on this forum and it raised all kinds of h-e-double hockey sticks so $15 for nothing extra was sure to raise a storm from the same bunch. Nobody likes prices going up but what do you want? Everything for free? Maybe you'd be happier if the TCA folded just to save you $15?

Buy one less freight car or building or bag of scenic material next year and it will more than cover it. If you can afford a $200 and up TOY then you surely can afford $50 bucks a year to be in the TCA, if not maybe you shouldn't be buying $200 trains.



Obviously the TCA Museum costs something to maintain.  If they closed the museum, as some have suggested, dues would be somewhat less.  Maintaining an owned physical plant means capital expenses that are predictable and large. Personally, I think it's value added and unique.  Strasburg certainly isn't the big-time, but the Pennsylvania RR Museum is there and is big-time and not too far from many population centers and tourist areas.  Keeps the hobby in the public eye and gives us all a place to go to see what the breadth and history of the hobby is.  Very much part of the TCA's mission and worth my $10 or $15 a year to support this part of the organization.


Personally, the TCA Quarterly, website and meets (York and others) are well worth $50 a year on their own.  I expect there will be minimal dues increases for the next few years.  Your mileage no doubt varies and they are expecting a 10% drop in membership.  C'est la vie, as they say .  We each choose what we spend our money on, with the exception of taxes, but it's always been that way for taxes.  I spend more than $10-15 each week on coffee, so I figure this isn't too expensive for me, personally.  Most other organizations, hobby-wise, cost this much or more so I'm guessing while some do not want to pay the price, it's probably not at all out of line for a not-for-profit organization with 30,000 members and a permanent building.

Originally Posted by Landsteiner:

Obviously the TCA Museum costs something to maintain.  If they closed the museum, as some have suggested, dues would be somewhat less.  

There have been calls made by others to "close the museum."  I trust folks do realize that if you close the museum, you also might just as well dispense with the library and the TCA admin offices since they are all in the same TCA-built-and-owned structure.  You would then be stuck paying for a fairly large, very nice, and very empty building, with little prospect for any other use since it is not exactly in the heart of downtown Strasburg.


I cannot think of a better location--anywhere in the U.S.--for the TCA Headquarters, Library, and Museum, than Strasburg, PA.  It's truly something of an ideal location for a railroad-related enterprise by virtue of the various rail attractions within spitting distance of each other.  NO other location I can think of has such diverse rail-related activities conveniently located in one area (an extremely attractive area at that).  TCA members should all be very proud of that unique, distinctive, and attractive facility, the construction of which was undertaken and funded by the membership.

Perhaps another way of increasing revenue stream would be to revise the free admission of members and to charge them as well to the musuem. 


Even if it is a nominal say $4 and you had a couple of thousand visit each year ( anyone know the actual number of members that visit the musuem each year) this could bring in about $8K and over three years you then have a significant sum which could be steered to the support of the museums infrastructure as this is the second largest outgoing. At least you would know where you money would go specifically as a member.


Going by the response of people here that the extra $15 isn't a big deal then a minor sum for admission is even less of an issue.

I think what has some folks taken back is simply the percentage of increase.  As someone already been said $15 is no big deal, especially considering there has been no price increase in a number of years.  I would imagine TCA was simply trying to avoid any price increases over those years.  I can tell you from experience that not raising a price to at least cover expenses year over year will usually come back and bite you. This is a case in point.


What concerns me way more that any price increase is the 10% membership reduction they anticipate.   Price increases are a reality and in this particular case most likely justified.  I just hate to see a reduction in membership of that size.  That just seems like a bigger problem than a $15 increase.  Any reduction in membership is just not a good thing.  But I trust the folks at TCA have taken that into consideration In their decisions.  


Lastly, I gather from the notice that this action took a lot of work and certainly a lot of difficult decisions by board members.  Kudos to the board for stepping up and making those decisions.  The easy path would have been to leave the problem for the next board to deal with. 



Originally Posted by Ukaflyer:

Perhaps another way of increasing revenue stream would be to revise the free admission of members and to charge them as well to the musuem. 


Even if it is a nominal say $4 and you had a couple of thousand visit each year ( anyone know the actual number of members that visit the musuem each year) this could bring in about $8K and over three years you then have a significant sum which could be steered to the support of the museums infrastructure as this is the second largest outgoing. At least you would know where you money would go specifically as a member.


Going by the response of people here that the extra $15 isn't a big deal then a minor sum for admission is even less of an issue.

You think they did not consider that option?

Originally Posted by Ed Walsh:

...Any reduction in membership is just not a good thing.  But I trust the folks at TCA have taken that into consideration In their decisions.  


No, it's not.  But as I have stated many times here, it is inevitable and irreversible.  The demographics of our society in general simply do not/will not support a significant increase in model railroad club membership--any model railroad club--aside from brief blips incited by some especially popular, and usually temporary, incentive.


You can be quite sure that TCA leadership, and the leadership of similar organizations in our hobby, are well aware of that indisputable fact.



"I hear this "close the museum" stuff from time to time."


So do I.  I brought the suggestion up only to refute it .  I hope I clearly stated my appreciation for the museum and the importance of the museum to the TCA and to keeping the hobby and history visible.


I am equally appreciative of the LCCA, whose dues are about $35 as I recall, and they don't have a museum to support.  So I think we can roughly estimate that $15 a year is the cost of maintaining the TCA Museum, give or take.  Frankly, if your only reason for being a TCA member is to go to York, that's fine, but some of us consider the TCA has bigger fish to fry than providing a couple of train meets a year.  Those who disagree can join a train club without a museum as there are several of them:  LCCA, LOTS, TTOS (for the moment at least), LRRC, MTHRRC, etc.  NMRA membership (they have a central HQ) is over $65 as I recall.  Plenty of choices and it's your money.  Mine goes to TCA, LCCA, and LOTS, for the present.

Originally Posted by Landsteiner:

"I hear this "close the museum" stuff from time to time."


So do I.  I brought the suggestion up only to refute it .  

I realize that you were not lobbying for a museum closure, and will go back and change my comment to clarify my intent.


None of the other organizations have the infrastructure that the TCA has, aside from the NMRA which has its headquarters building (the construction of which I contributed to some years ago) outside Chattanooga.  The NMRA is now working with the California State Railroad Museum to transfer most of its museum holdings to that location where it will have greater exposure.  That will also free-up more space for the NMRA's extensive library holdings, which continue to grow at a significant rate.


The TCA, by virtue of location alone, has a decided advantage over the NMRA in terms of museum collections because it is located in an area where a variety of rail-related activities dominate.  The museum is housed in a very attractive structure and it--and it alone--provides tangible and comprehensive evidence of the history and evolution of the artifacts of our hobby.  It is a great asset.

Originally Posted by Allan Miller:

Already done, along with another thread on much the same topic (but without the wealth of detail provided by Bob).



Wouldn't it make more sense for this thread and the other one you reference to be in the general TCA News section of the Forum?


They really have nothing to do with the York Meet, aside from the comments from people  saying they would not pay the increase except that their membership allows them to go to York.




Originally Posted by Ukaflyer:

Perhaps another way of increasing revenue stream would be to revise the free admission of members and to charge them as well to the musuem. 

 Even if it is a nominal say $4 and you had a couple of thousand visit each year ...



Why not just pay the regular entrance fee even if you're a member, gives them $7 instead of $4? That's what I always do and in fact since I'm on vacation all this week my grandson and me are planning to do the train thing probably tomorrow, Strasburg, Choo Choo Barn, Toy Train Museum and the Pa. RR Museum and I was just going to pay to get in just to toss a few bucks the museums way. Not much in the grand scheme but if every member who visits did this who knows.



Originally Posted by baltimoretrainworks:
Why not just pay the regular entrance fee even if you're a member, gives them $7 instead of $4? That's what I always do....

I do the same thing each time I visit the HQ & Museum, Jerry.  Trust me, they have absolutely no objection whatsoever to receiving contributions of the full fee or even more from anyone who cares to offer such support.  It really is a very fine facility in every respect...something every TCA member can be proud of.


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