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Select the 2-track bridge in my design and copy it. Now open a New Layout and paste the copy into it. I suggest moving it closer to the upper left 0,0 location on the page. Then save the file with an appropriate file name.

If you want any of the other objects from the link I posted, you have to right-click on the Quick Download button and use the Save File As option otherwise all you’ll see is a text file that won’t mean much to you. For each one you’ll get a separate SCARM file. If you open the files, you need to use the 3D view to see what’s there otherwise it won’t look like much.

DoubleDAZ posted:


Select the 2-track bridge in my design and copy it. Now open a New Layout and paste the copy into it. I suggest moving it closer to the upper left 0,0 location on the page. Then save the file with an appropriate file name.

If you want any of the other objects from the link I posted, you have to right-click on the Quick Download button and use the Save File As option otherwise all you’ll see is a text file that won’t mean much to you. For each one you’ll get a separate SCARM file. If you open the files, you need to use the 3D view to see what’s there otherwise it won’t look like much.

Finally Sucess! Again THANKS Dave!

I am still trying to get the optimum deck, in the space I have to work with (which I am grateful is as big as it is) so I would like to throw this idea out for discussion. (some will want to just throw it out I am convinced an around the room design will give the most entertainment and interest in using the layout. My desire to have more than three feet in width is the driving force to find a way to accomplish that self imposed requirement.  This proposal will move the south wall deck off the wall by 30 inches for an aisle and expand the deck to five feet wide.

One bad piece of news is the "10 foot expansion on that wall is only a 6 foot expansion" Have a heat pump unit that needs service access in that area. The north wall could go the extra 10 feet. john 2019-08-24_A


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Mark Boyce posted:


That is in effect what we had to do in my room.  I don't understand where the heat pump unit is.

Hi Mark,

Heating unit is on the south wall and if decking went the ten feet, that would give only 8 inches to the front of the heating unit. so a four foot service clearance in front of unit is needed. That makes the total length only 30 feet instead of 34 feet. I originally was only going 24 feet with a future expansion of an additional 10 feet. So this is not the "end of the world" type issue. john 2019-08-24_C 


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John, if I understood the change, the bottom is still 34', but the upper section is only 30' to allow access to the heating unit. If that's correct, then here's a new rendition. I had to alter the entrance a bit to make the bridge perpendicular and I tried to fit a yard and turntable just to give you some ideas.

john 2019-08-24_A daz



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DoubleDAZ posted:

John, if I understood the change, the bottom is still 34', but the upper section is only 30' to allow access to the heating unit. If that's correct, then here's a new rendition. I had to alter the entrance a bit to make the bridge perpendicular and I tried to fit a yard and turntable just to give you some ideas.

john 2019-08-24_A daz


Yes you totally understand the change for the heating unit. Totally amazing what you can do in such a short period of time. Let alone the imagination or ability to see the layout possibilities. What are your thoughts on the aisle on the south side and the five foot wide section? Thanks for all the help!

That's a real nice plan as a starting point, Dave!  

John, a 3-foot wide aisle is often considered to be optimum, but 2 1/2-foot wide aisles are enough if you aren't planning on having a number of people visiting and wanting to pass each other.  The 5-foot wide table is fine since it is only a 2 1/2-foot reach from either aisle.  The only each problem may be in the corner but probably nothing to worry about. 

Thank you John & Mark.

John, I think the baseboard was fine, but I altered it a bit anyway to give you a wider lower aisle and a little more reach in the upper left. If it were mine, I'd also round out the upper left like the circle shows. When you settle on a plan, we can adjust the baseboard for best fit and reach.

Just so you know, the turntable is only the Atlas 26" that's in the SCARM library and nothing larger is going to fit there. I haven't worked on the grades yet, so this configuration may not work the way it is.

john 2019-08-24_A daz1



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Thanks Mark for your input. I am hoping the five foot wide area gives me a better idea on building industry or towns or yards etc. Although I question losing the ability for a backdrop giving depth to the area in general. Since I haven't met anyone interested in trains out here yet, there isn't plans for gangs of people coming over to run the rails. Although ya all are welcome to stop by anytime.

And has anyone done a double deck in O gauge? What heights would be optimum and top width? Yes I am going crazy with foolish ideas. 

You could put a backdrop on the wall across the aisle anyway, it would still work.  You could also put a backdrop down the middle of the 5-foot table dividing it into separate scenes.  

Yes I thought you didn’t know many people here yet, especially people who like trains.  Most of the train enthusiasts I know live down in Allegheny County.  I usually only see them when I go to the Greenberg shows.  

Mark Boyce posted:

You could put a backdrop on the wall across the aisle anyway, it would still work.  You could also put a backdrop down the middle of the 5-foot table dividing it into separate scenes.  

Yes I thought you didn’t know many people here yet, especially people who like trains.  Most of the train enthusiasts I know live down in Allegheny County.  I usually only see them when I go to the Greenberg shows.  

I hope a backdrop on the wall would benefit the area. Not sure I want to divide up the 5 foot space, however that is an option worth looking into for sure.

Being retired and working around the house doesn't lend itself to meeting model railroaders.  I have only been to Mercer Junction twice in the time I've been out here. Dave is a great guy. Very knowledgeable and not pushy with sales.  I will definitely be supporting his business as much as possible.


I am glad you were able to go with me!  It was good to get to know you better, since we only live an hour's drive apart!  Thank you for driving from your house to to The Nifty Fiftys Diner, Mike Wyatt's house to see his neat layout, and on to Corner Field Museum to see the Elesh's wonderful, huge layout!  It was good to see Paul, Bryan, Nick, Dennis, and all who I apologize I'm forgetting names.

Dave (DoubleDAZ),

I saw the room John is planning to build the layout in!  A smidgen wider and a few feet longer than mine!  It will be a great room for a layout once John gets the walls and electric finished!  Yes we got the creative juices flowing!  Too bad our bodies aren't as young as our aspirations!!  

Well after crunching through the honey do list and getting caught up with maintenance around the house, finally got time and energy to put up the sheet rock on the train side of the basement. Still need to tape seams (UGH!) However it gives me final dimensions and a better feel for the space. Thinking about trying to bump out sections around/near ends of layout. Also I have been going over the general theme and what to plan for industries, towns, cities etc. Now, if I could think in 3d and use tracks at different heights for crossings and or loops. Mark I am admiring your layout and love the grades and elevation changes. So back to scarm and tighten up the room dimensions.

Hello All,

Have been busy with finishing up the train room walls and lots of stuff outside as it is summer time. I have been blessed with many great ideas for track layouts and ALL are appreciated. Once I move some of the boxes out of the train area I maybe able to draw out bench work and aisles. Before doing that, is the possibility of taking the 12 foot width dimension of the room (which can go 25' to 30' long ) and splitting it up to three four foot sections? Having a 4' by 25' track layout section, then 4' by 25' walking area and then a last 4' by 25' track layout area. These four foot sections of layout would have one side against the wall and only be accessible from center aisle. Thinking of using top creeper to make the four foot reach. Is this doable? pros/cons

btw I switched to a mac laptop so scarm is on other laptop or I would have posted the scarm layout anyone using mac os with a track program? I believe scarm is windows only which I will stay with if I have to and adjust to using two laptops.

Thanks in advance



John, I'm glad you are getting to the point of thinking about the track plan again.  I remember from our personal messages you were making good headway on your wife's room first. 

So it looks like the last plan (which was last August) had an aisle between the wall and one side of the layout.  I have seen photographs of lots of modelers using topside creepers to access parts of layouts that are farther than arm's reach.  I have also read where modelers say they use them and like them.  I have never used one myself.  It is certainly better than the idea of climbing up and crawling around on a layout for guys our age and older.  The idea never appealed to me when I was younger, perhaps because I had to do too much crawling on the floor at work to access electronic equipment and wiring.  Looking at the drawing you just posted, I'm thinking you would need narrower table top for the alcove in the upper right so you can have an aisle wider than what looks like 2 feet.  Otherwise It sounds like a good idea.

If you don't get some feedback here from some modelers who have used topside creepers, I would suggest starting another topic with topside creeper pros and cons as the subject title.

I am certainly glad to see you ready to get back at it.

Hi John, welcome back.

I'm a little confused because I thought the width was around 13', not 12'. Has it changed? Either way, here's the earlier design squeezed down a bit with 4' top and bottom bench work. As you can see, there's no real need to extend the nook to 4' and make reaching into the corners more difficult. If you want more scenery, you can easily put that on a removable platform. I also didn't do much with the turntable area or the bridge other than to make things connect for a new starting point.

john 2020-08-18 daz


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@Richie C. posted:

Even a hand drawn sketch would be helpful to see what you're planning.

You are so right, that is why I posted a jpeg after that post without a scarm drawing.

Mark thanks for the sound advice as always. I will start another topic for the creeper/4 foot reach question. Looks like you are doing great with your layout! Great job and keep up the good work.

DoubbleDaz, Sorry for the confusion with dimensions, in the future it will be exact measurements as the room width is 12' 5" overall. Your drawing and advice are always Fantastic. I like the big sweeping curves for sure! Also the room length is more dictated by the furnace location and having my work benches fit in somewhere near the area. So length can be 25' to 30' max at this point.

Again thanks everyone!

Thanks Mark for the separate topic on creeper idea. Lots of solid advice and experiences from members.

Here is the room dimensions that are final with the yellow area available for train layout. This is what I will be working with and need to maximize train/scenery area. I am inclined to follow your advice on doing track layout first and seeing where I will need to put decking. Sorry for the inaccurate measurements prior, as things were in a state of flux. 


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Last edited by Aegis21


That's okay about needing to correct the dimensions.  I know you were working on how to divide the basement and with putting in new wall board, etc things changed.  I gave erroneous measurements to those who were looking at my layout planning topic too.  But I had no excuse.  I just measured wrong when our daughter still had some of her things in the room.     The saying 'measure twice, cut once' doesn't work for me.  I have to 'measure at least thrice, and maybe I'll get it right on the first cut'.  

John, something still seems to be off. When I enter the coordinates for the baseboard using those dimensions, I get the result shown in the 1st photo. As you can see, the width does not match the yellow area. However, if I change the 12'8" dimension along the top wall to 18'8", I get the result shown in the 2nd photo and it pretty well matches the yellow area. Perhaps you transposed some numbers and it should be 18'2"?

john 2020-08-29 daz1


john 2020-08-29 daz2


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Thanks for picking up on that gross error. The total dimension should have been 25' for the top and 30'  for the bottom dimension. Those are self imposed limits to accommodate a three foot furnace service area at top and work bench and other furniture at the bottom. I could get away with a couple feet either way, however this is a present goal/limitation I and more importantly my wife would like to keep.

Not sure we're that 12' 8" came from? Too many revisions without triple checking changes I would imagine

 again Thanks!


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