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I purchased this pre-owned, and I believe it is missing a spring or 2, maybe something else.  I need a parts list and hopefully one of those expanded diagrams which shows how the car is put together, so I can figure out what is missing or needs to be repaired.  Nothing appears to be broken.  The car will react to the magnet on the operating track, and will release the bin (the metal peg pulls down & engages with the magnet), but that's it - the bin won't rotate20240411_02591920240411_025930 & the car won't fully dump.


Images (2)
  • 20240411_025919: Car with bin opened
  • 20240411_025930: Bottom of car
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Lionel you simply enter your product number with the dash 6-xxxxxx

Note, the log dump and coal dump cars are similar mechanically


I think you are missing spring #11


Images (1)
  • 20240411_025919
Last edited by Vernon Barry

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