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I have looked at a number of threads on buying passenger car figures such as this one.  I bought some of the "we honest" type on that auction site and they really are too big for a dome car - even amputating legs and feet.  Seems Golden gate depot has the figures of choice- less than $1 each including shipping.  Since the threads are a few years old, I  thought I would ask again....lp-1930smhas anyone found other choices recently?  Thanks for any ideas...


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hokie71 posted:

I saw GRJ's  comment in a past thread on painting unpainted figures........ painting unpainted figures is definitely a job for granchildren (and they don't work that cheap any more).

Grandchildren are not interested in anything but texting on their **** little IPad crap.  It's a waste of time trying to get them interested in anything else ... well, the oldest is interested in girls ... which is nice in the age of polysexuals.

Having scoured every source I can find over the last couple of years I can offer the following:

1.  Figures for domes are problematic because the domes tend to be even more sub-O scale than ordinary passenger cars compartments, which are really nearer S scale.

2.  The OP mentions GGD and they did a new run of their "little people" a while back. I preface what I say with the comment that you can always ask Scott Mann about their current production and you will get a straight answer. I have some of the older ones which are still a bit big for Lionel/MTH passenger cars. They are pretty wide (no offence) and don't necessarily fit under tables in dining and similar cars. Fine for coach seating but they might be too big for a dome.

3.  The best figures in terms of size and pre-painted detail are the MTH Railking figures. But they are pricey and I am not sure are in current production. Lionel's present release of passenger figures are in fact a recycling of K-Line figures from some years back. They are good in terms of size and detail but there's not much variety; also can be pricey as has already been pointed out above. I have just looked at a Lionel 18" aluminum dome car I have that's about 8 years old and it has those figures in the dome and they fit fine. However, the dome seating is large compared to more recent Lionel models.

4.  For domes I and others have had reasonable luck with genuine HO (not N) scale figures. Those from Preiser and Woodland Scenics are first rate. Again cost can be an issue but they are very nicely made. If you are looking for seated passengers you might end up buying station, city scene and office figures.

5.  Quarter scale (broadly O scale equivalent) dollhouse figures are widely available and can be good quality but are also often too large. The manufacturer(s) must think all Westerners are 7' tall!

The golden gate "little people" arrived and here they are compared to a group from china.  In populating an MTH rail king full  dome car, I ended up using both and here are the details:

1) the golden gate people have a recliner bottom- if you look closely they have a slant.  I had to grind a bit off so they sat straighter. I still cut some feet off of the guys to get the to fit in the car.  there were a few I did not use yet since they looked a bit like zombies.

2) standing men came with the chinese people and they were real 7 footers, there was an occasional small guy but not many.  the sitting men were big too and they always had their feet amputated

3) the women in the chinese group were generally good,  they generally sat sideways and the standing women were on the button.

4) the GGD women also had the slant bottom problem and were a bit "thick"  I used them and had to cut off some feet also.

Here are some comparative pictures: the left is the chinese figures and the right is the GGD100_4615100_4614


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