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Variable speed is always useful I think, and 8 inch is probably better for a flatter surface to grind against. I actually find the vertical belt sander to be much more usful than the grinder. It's a wider surface, maybe an inch and a half with a long vertical support behind the belt to easier shape whatever I was grinding.

Originally Posted by cjack:

Variable speed is always useful I think, and 8 inch is probably better for a flatter surface to grind against. I actually find the vertical belt sander to be much more usful than the grinder. It's a wider surface, maybe an inch and a half with a long vertical support behind the belt to easier shape whatever I was grinding.

+1. For train work a small belt sander is much more useful. Rather than a high speed bench grinder I would suggest getting a bench mandrel driven by an old washing machine AC motor or similar. You can mount wire brushes, grinding wheels or polishing wheels. The slower speed is more suitable for brushing and polishing.




Originally Posted by cjack:

Variable speed is always useful I think, and 8 inch is probably better for a flatter surface to grind against. I actually find the vertical belt sander to be much more usful than the grinder. It's a wider surface, maybe an inch and a half with a long vertical support behind the belt to easier shape whatever I was grinding.

I agree, a vertical belt/disc sander is much more useful and much more cost effective. there are inexpensive bench grinders out there, but they are poorly made and most times do not have a true spindle which makes the machine vibrate. a good bench grinder will run so smooth that you won't know it is running, and those cost three hundred and up. then there is the task of truing the stone and the tool and skill to do that. with the belt/ disc sander you just change the abrasive. you will be able to accomplish many more tasks than a grinder.

Yes, but I'm not a fan of the wide horizontal belt sander. The Vertical one is much more useful and the belt stays where it needs to be.

Good idea on using the grinder motor for a polishing wheel and wire brush. More useful than the grinding wheels in my needs.

And, I bought a cheap grinder once...vibrated all over the place. Took it back. Good tools are good tools. Cheap ones are cheap.

I did a quick search, and found 3 units that I would consider. All have a 1" belt and a 5" disc. I would avoid at all cost, any unit that had a fluted table, you want flat and smooth.


I hope you can see this list. I'm not sure if it will share.


Here's a link to my choice. I like it because of cost, size, smooth tables and slot for

changing the belt.


Here's the same unit for $50 less

Last edited by Big_Boy_4005

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