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Allan:  Another huge announcement that will effect our families and grandchildren here in Eastern Ohio, Western PA.

Shell Oil to build ethane fracker plant in the Beaver Valley.  Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

This along with the MarkWest gas liquification plant in Houston PA, coupled with the rebirth of the Westland Spur of the Old Montour Railroad. (200 tank cars a day).  Energy is big.

The failure of the Keystone pipeline leads to a lot here in PA/Ohio.  There has been a lot of work done on the Marcellus and Utica shale gas developement, but phase 2 would be an infrastructure (Pipeline system) to market the gas both dry and liquid.  The politicians need to get the house in order.

I don't think the keystone pipeline is dead, so any increase in oil on the rails would be a temporary one.  TransCanada is still looking at re-routing the pipleline so that it avoids some very environmentally sensitive lands in Nebraska.  Since much of the oil would be refined for diesel for export, they are also looking at a trans-canadian route to the west coast of Canada.



I think the windfall is likely to be short term as that the only major objection was the environmental impact which had to be sorted out, otherwise, in principle, everyone was on boar in concept. I think that behind the scenes, this was also a political football and a hot potato that both parties thought best to defer until the November elections are over. I agree with JD who hit the nail on the head. Once the route is reconfigured, I doubt it will be turned down.

I'd posted this on a related thread recently, but I was at a meeting in San Antonio in February where we were told that TransCanada has the route and permitting to begin the southern portion of this pipeline from a point in south central Kansas to the Gulf.  The speaker indicated they would likely begin construction and then tie this section into that running south from the border once they had agreed on a route through Nebraska that was acceptable to state authorities.



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