The family has 2 polar express sets, #31960. We are thinking about purchasing a few of the add-on cars(baggage, hot choc., etc) to more closely match the movie train. Some of the comments here ref: "Lionel equipping early sets with inferior motors in ths engines" concerns me. Our sets run well enough now,but if we add 3 or 4 more passenger type cars, will the engine pull 7 or 8 of them? Will the motor over-heat, fail?
If inadequate motors are indeed in these engines, would it be cost effective (or even possible) to replace w/ current issue can motor? Or just buy a new, improved current issue set from amazon for 199 (free ship)?
The boxes with the 2 sets we have indicate one set was produced in 2008, the other in 2009.
Any comments, advice, and suggestions will be appreciated.
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