I have a Lionel Trainmaster 1034 for lighting . The main double loop has Lionel's 8 LED yard light , two MTH overhead Pennsy style signal lights , an MTH LED lighted single track bridge , two double light towers , nine small buildings with a total of twenty 18 watt bulbs .
I'm adding a 30" × 72" rail yard with another Lionel 8 LED yard light and a yard tower with three lights , both units have designations for positive ( red ) and ground (black ) .
I'm trying to jumper into the lead wires away from the 1034 and since I have continuity through both wires when disconnected from the 1034 and both wires at the area where I have skinned back the insulation to make my splice , is it necessary to care which wires I choose to wire to for my add on circuit ?