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In another topic about the new Lionel (old Weaver) baggage car and RPO tooling, it was brought up the RPO did not represent a PRR prototype.  It was mentioned the only close "O" PRR RPO representing an actual PRR car were 3rd Rail's brass and GGD's plastic BM70k. There may be others, but none was mentioned.

In my search for an PRR RPO I have started looking at MTH's PRR HW RPO offerings.  While not accurate, they are similar to PRR's cars.

Here is a picture of GGD's version of the BM70k.


Here is MTH's car.


They both represent 70' cars but in the pictures the GGD sure looks longer.  Plus I have not seen MTH's car with the port hole windows, which better represents my layout era.  

MTH's other RPO design is close to the BM70m except MTH's car has the clerestory roof instead of the round roof of the prototype BM70m.

Here is a Walther's model of the prototype BM70m


Here is MTH's version


Again, the MTH is similar but not correct.  In this case the number and size of windows are wrong.

I would like feedback from you kit bashers out there as to how hard it would be to change the MTH roof to look like the round roof prototype?  Seems like it shouldn't be too hard.

I'm going to pick up both versions of MTH's RPO and see what I can do to them to make them look closer to the prototype.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Images (4)
  • WALTH-9240[1]
  • 20-42026[1]
  • 20-4273[1]
Last edited by CAPPilot
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I found a picture* of a prototype 5-window BM70m RPO similar to MTH's, although the windows are not as narrow.  A little closer to the prototype, but still need to find a round roof for the car.  Again, any suggestions?


*From Liljestrand and Sweetland's excellent book from the PRRT&HS, Baggage and Mail Cars.


Images (1)
  • DSCN0348
Last edited by CAPPilot
Boilermaker1 posted:

Check the GGD booth at York. One or 2 yorks ago there were some extra roofs for sale from the modernized HW coaches. 

Boilermaker1,Thanks for that info.  Never thought of that.  I have several of these roofs I bought a couple of Yorks ago to upgrade some of my P70s, so I will check that out.

Everyone else, thanks for the inputs.  I want to get rid of my Weaver PRR RPOs and replace them with something more prototypical.  Not sure if the MTH cars will work, but it is worth the try.


GGD is making a rerun of the heavyweight headend cars now.    I think reservations may still be open.  

The GGD BM70 is a very common pennsy car according to my PRR guru buddy.    He said they had many more Baggage-mail combines than full mail cars.     The RPO sections were leased in 15, 30, and 60 ft sections.     the M70 mail car apparently had a mail storage section in addition to a 60 ft RPO.     RPOs were staff by US Post Office employees, not RR employees.     When RPOs were in service, they actually sorted mail and route and could drop off and pickup for origins and destinations on the route.   

CAPPilot posted:

In another topic about the new Lionel (old Weaver) baggage car and RPO tooling, it was brought up the RPO did not represent a PRR prototype.  It was mentioned the only close "O" PRR RPO representing an actual PRR car were 3rd Rail's brass and GGD's plastic BM70k. There may be others, but none was mentioned.


Ron,  American Standard may have offered a PRR RPO kit.  Someone in this forum must have an Am Stan catalog.     John in Lansing, ILL

rattler21 posted

Ron,  American Standard may have offered a PRR RPO kit.  Someone in this forum must have an Am Stan catalog.     John in Lansing, ILL

American Standard did indeed offer an M70 postal car kit. It had rectangular windows on the doors rather than round ones. Both are correct depending upon the era being modeled.

Last edited by rheil

CAPPilot: Ron, wondering if you ever settled on your choice for a PRR RPO car? I keep obsessing about getting very close to accurate RPO cars in different PRR configurations. Been tempted to attempt a kit bash of a k-line car but I can't find a U Tube to guide me through the how to dos. The MTH versions include 3 window, 5 window and 6 window designs. But as you have suggested, scale wise they just seem "off". 


I bought two more of GGD's B70k RPOs, giving me 5 total of that type.  For now I'm not looking for another RPO but if I run across a Sunset or other brass RPO of a different design I will buy it (assuming the price doesn't go crazy like the last car I bid on). 

I was going to get the MTH five window RPO and mold a round roof on it to run with my 18" PRR passenger cars.  Since my Lionel and K-Line 18" cars are generic anyway, I decided to keep a couple of the Weaver PROs to run with them.  Somewhere in the buy/trade topic are the Weaver's I'm selling.

Many thanks Ron. I have 2 K-line versions that are not accurate as you well know, and I have the 6 window MTH version that approaches the feeling of a PRR mail/baggage car, somewhat. I thought about buying a GGD Norfolk car that appears to be the same as the GGD PRR RPO but that would require relettering. That would be less work than bashing a K-line for sure and I don't have the skills. 

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