Judd: that's a very good call.
Jushavnfun: Having the engine on your workbench with the shell off is half the battle. I would go ahead and remove those two black phillips head screws, lift off the brush plate assembly, and wipe down the commutator with track cleaner until the copper is nice and shiny. No need to use an abrasive, just clean it as well as you can with track cleaner. If you've had sparking, there could be some carbon buildup that you'd want to get rid of. If it's really gummy, use a standard pencil eraser to get rid of the crud, then get rid of the eraser crumbs with your track cleaner.
Also, if you have new brushes, you could put them in at that point. If you don't have any on hand, you should be all set.
I believe Judd's observation is the key to everything.
Steven J. Serenska