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Hi all hope you can help

 Started with my Sprog 3 this week, a second hand O Scale MP15dc works fine in terms of running backward and forwards and light on and off. I have tried returning to factory setting using JMRI Decoder pro and using the supplied wand with dc power. Still no sound,.... :scratchhead: on DC or DCC has anyone any suggestions When i double press F6 the lights turn on so it clearly recocognises the command I  have also tried double press F8 and F9?


Kind regards


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Did it ever produce sound when using the SPROG? I had a similar problem with my Life Like P2k factory installed QSI decoders when I tried to run them with my SPROG 2, but when I took them to my LHS, they worked fine, sound and all. At that point, I stopped worrying about it, since I bought the SPROG mainly to do programming, and for that, it works way better than than my Digitrax PR3, which was replaced with a brand new one (still sealed in the package) by Digitrax.

Bill in FtL

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