quote:Half wave the 3VAC with a single diode 1n4001 is OK. That will give you about 1.5 V equivalent pulsed DC. However if you accidentally move the tap to a higher voltage (easy to do on the power chief) you can burn out the bulbs.
Another way is to get a small bridge rectifier. Connect the + and - and put the 2 AC leads (marked ~) in series with any light bulb on the layout. For example a street lamp run on 14 volts. When the street lamp is powered it will receive 12.8 volts. Tapping the 2 AC leads of the bridge will yield 1.2 VAC whenever the street lamp is on. Hook this to the 1.5 volt bulb(s). This is burnout proof regardless of transformer voltage.
Dale H
Re your post on this subject, I made some circuit diagrams to go along with your text. Are they correct?