And there I just bought more RealTrax and 4 more switches to add to the 2 I've had new-in-box for ~15 years. I was disappointed in the color and texture differences between the new stuff and the older stuff, but not much I can do now.
I also recently increased my FasTrack inventory, but the 4 switches I got via the Outer Passing Loop and Inner Passing Loop track packs are manual, so I suppose I'll have to keep an eye out for deals on remote switches. At least the color and texture difference between my older and new FasTrack pieces is not as noticeable as the RealTrax stuff.
Maybe I'll fix up the basement a bit (needs more electrical circuits/outlets and more heating), build more tables (I have one, but it's currently disassembled from the last move), and graduate to the big-boy track. However, I only plan to live here for another 8-10 years before I retire, sell most everything, and move into a continuing-care retirement complex nearby. At least I have some Z gauge stuff I can putter with in what I'm sure will be a small efficiency/1-bedroom place...