Originally Posted by RadioRon:
Well, why can't Charlie Ro also have his lieutenants do the duty for him on shows like this? ...
I suppose anything is possible. But sometimes I think we're all guilty of thinking of things from a buyer's perspective -- rather than a seller's perspective. WE want to see certain dealers to appease OUR needs and likes. But what about theirs?
That's what I was referring to when I mention today's marketplace has changed. Back in the 1980's and 1990's, Charlie would take out a 4-6 page add in the "other" magazine. Today? One page... maybe two.
Same thing for shows... Decades ago a dealer might attend more physical shows, because that was necessary to REACH a broader audience. Sidetrack Hobbies was a regular attendee of Greenberg shows up this way (i.e., PA/NJ), but now doesn't see the ROI in participating. Can't say I blame them, since I don't even attend Greenberg shows as a buyer anymore.
Look at our list of forum sponsors... How many attend Allentown? Or perhaps the appropriate question is, "How many have never attended Allentown?". In most cases, I'm sure the costs outweigh the benefits. And then there's this thing called the Internet that has changed nearly everyone's buying habits.
As buyers we wish all the dealers could attend these shows. But reality dictates a different scenario. And after all, isn't that what York is for?
Then again, perhaps there's some saucier story at play here... and somebody ticked off so-and-so... And so-and-so packed up their bags and went home --refusing to play ball anymore. Yes... that sounds much better. That must be the real reason! 