I'm working on designing an around the room ceiling loop for my bedroom. There are vertical blinds that over the window. Above it is only 9 inches, about 3 inches shy of what I'd prefer. There is no moving the blinds as the window is high. My plan was for a plywood shelf with the Homasote on top to make the train as quiet as possible since it is the bedroom. So my question is is Homasote strong enough that I can support a 78inch span with L brackets at each wall stud if it's only 8-10 inches deep with a signal line of track across it?
I ask because it seems everywhere I see if for strain, it's always put on top of plywood. But I watched Eric's video of Atlas track and signals and his demo board is Homasote on top of 1x4s on top of plywood, and it seemed strong enough, but then he wasn't driving a Big Boy over it either.