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Hi Doug,

I had put the loco back together and there was no signal at all to start the thing up. I had to tear it all down and found one of the plug's mid engine mounts had paint on the frame where it needed to ground. fixed that and the engine sound, reverse etc. was working but no throttle. So I hooked a dc meter to the TMCC to see if current was flowing to the loco. It was flowing 0 to 15 volts depending on the throttle position, but zip at the motor. Then I knew there was a wire broken somewhere in the wrapped 12 inches of wiring or one of 4 plugs was bad. Did a lot of testing and different configurations and finally just cut all wires to the motor and now have the motor hard wired to the TMCC via its' own tender to loco interface.

Bummer, Bummer, but that is just part of the game when one does custom work on a complex mechanism.


Thanks for the compliments.

The next project I'm trying to get to, is modifying Atlas code 148 2 rail turnouts for 3 rail as I have done with the track this loco runs on. Marker gave me the benefit of his trial and error to make it easier to start. I just got sick of watching the scale locos that I have stuttering through Scaletrax turnouts, plus the rail was still too high for my taste.


Like Dave, I've enjoyed all your work since the start. Great modeling.

the detail effort sure was worth the end result.  Been impatiently awaiting the final videos!

I sold most of my RCS & GG track.  2R track is the answer as you did.  I'll also be able to run my 2R trains-a win/win!

Again, enjoy the CF and a cold one, you've earned it. Thanks for all the ideas I learned in you thread.

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