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You are in luck.  There are de-bond products out there.  It is actually called de-bond.  I bought some when I was going to a Korber model.  Good thing too, I had to use it.  It works very well. it is packaged just like the regular CA glue and you just spead some on the area.  In some cases I had to let it sit for a bit longer but it always worked fine.


I am not able to get to it right now otherwise I would just send you the exact name of the one I bought.  I found it via google. 





Your LHS should have an ACC debonder available. Put some on the joint, wait, and CAREFULLY dig into the joint with an Exacto knife to pry things apart. It may take several applications, since you have so much glue in the joint. Just keep plastic, especially styrene away, as the debonder will attack it. Patience is key for this operation.




Originally Posted by johnshorse:

Whoops......I glued two fragile wooden parts together, on a kit, with tons of Super Glue.  Guess what.....I glued them wrong.  Is there any way to remove the glue or dissolve it as the parts are very fragile wood.  If I cannot the entire $100.00 kit it trashed.  Live and learn.


De-bonder may or not work given that they will also soak into the wood.  Given that you used "tons of Super Glue", they may simply re-arrange and redistribute the glue into the wood parts.


My solution to this when it happens is to very carefully cut & separate the parts using a #11 scalpel.  This takes a good bit of care and patience so as to not damage the parts nor inflict wounds to one's self. 


It would also be helpful to see what the parts are as well.  What kit is this and maybe you can contact the manufacturer about replacement parts?  Or, lastly, maybe you can actually make replacement parts?



Use pure acetone. Small can is about $6.00 Dip the piece if you can. Or use a syringe. It might dissolve any ink, stain, or paint that is on the wood so be careful. Nail polish remover contains acetone but I think it also has moisturizers. Good old Absorbine Jr. Muscle ointment also has acetone so it can not be that bad for you Just use it outside and wear safety glasses. It burns if you get in eyes. Ask me how I know. Lol
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