Like a lot of you today I decided to have some fun with the layout.
So I fired up my super streets. My trolleys were having a little problem
with the grade. No big deal, time to clean the tracks anyway.
Sitting next to the grade was the centerline track cleaning car I had recently
purchased from a forum member. Then the dim light bulb went off. why can't I pull
this thing around ?
I happened to have a powered truck with a coupler on it so I gave it a try.
It worked but had no weight to it. So of all things I tried a K-line MOW car
with a coupler I had installed....
It needed a little weight to it, but it worked. Because the centerline car is shorter
than most is went through the D16 curves just fine. The D21 were better.
It did not like the Y switches though.
OK Lee and other forum members. Do you have anything that might pull this thing.
Take a look in those junk boxes and see what you can come up with..