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Here are a few clarifications and additional information regarding the drawings that have appeared on many of these pages under the "Swafford Series" moniker by Frank Swafford:

First - My name is Michael Eby, and I am the original artist of the drawings. I drew the undecorated drawings from scratch based on railroad diagrams and about 25,000 reference images that I have gathered, and I have almost 5,000 drawings posted on my Trainiax website. The images posted by Frank in these forums are painted versions of my drawings. The main condition of their use outside my site (even when painted or modified) is that credit be given for them, which has not happened in this case. I seek in no way to diminish Frank's work and value his creativity, and I encourage people to continue painting my drawings. But I cannot allow the immense amount of work that I put into creating the original drawings to go uncredited.

Second - The scale of the drawings when printed at 100% works out to exactly O Scale, 1:48. I draw them all as GIF images at 2 pixels per scale inch, and their default printing resolution is 96 DPI. On my website, they are labelled as 1:36 in order to maintain consistency with older images that were based on a 72 DPI print resolution.
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