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I have a couple of different Lionel Sharknose units, 2 A units (I believe they're the Legacy set 6-34701 based on the units #s 2020, 2021, no boxes or instructions when I received them), and a Century Club B unit, 6-24510 (have the original box, but no instructions). I don't have any other Legacy equipment, so they'll run under TMCC.

I was wondering what would need to be done to run them as an A-B-A set. I know only one of the A units is powered, but believe the B unit has sound. Should each unit get its own ID #, or should they all get the same # (and is that even possible)? Any other tips or advice?

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@CAPPilot posted:

The TMCC AA set and add on B ran using the same ID in each engine.  The trailing A started up in reverse.  The Legacy units I think were the same.

I do not think the TMCC B unit has sound.  TMCC operating coupler and lights only.

I believe you're correct. Looked like a speaker under the roof grills, but upon disassembly, there isn't one. Operating rear coupler and back-up light, and a HUUUUUUUGE piece of metal (almost 1/3 the length of the engine and 1/2 the width) for an antenna. Strangely enough, there's a spot for a battery, I guess to make sure the backup light doesn't flicker when running as an A-B set without any cars in reverse...

Removed the shell to "darken" up the way too green paint to more closely match the Legacy units. Tru-Color Pennsy Brunswick green is a good match.

And without sound, running as an A-B-A set, I guess I really don't need to worry about assigning the B unit an ID#.

Last edited by Magicland

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