Here's my rears for what's left of this fine Tuesday! PLUS ... the backside of a guy standing.
I guess this counts? Part of the F40PH Fleet with the tail end of an FL9 on the ready track for the next assignment.
Rear angle shot of my John Van Riemsdjik 0-6-0 controlled clockwork loco from the late 40's
Recently repaired LIONEL M of W Track Cleaner car owned by the club. It's unpowered and seems to require a twin motor locomotive to pull it around.
Hello T.E.T folks....and YES I know its Wed. Yesterday was an all day trip to Ft. Worth for my Wife's medical treatment. Sorry I was just too tired after we got home last night to post. However I thought I cannot let a Tuesday go by with out showing my "tail end" so I thought I would post today.
@leapinlarry - glad the LCCA thing went well. Love that RJ Corman train. @ Sitka -Neat picture, imaginative shot for sure.
So today ( or yesterday) since I was tied up with medical stuff, I thought I would picture Lionel's #6814 work caboose, "Rescue Unit", from 1959-1961. It came complete with the medical technician or EMT, a 2 oxygen tank unit , & two stretchers. All of which (amazingly) are still present. (Note circa 1964 Lionel included this unit in Sears set 9820 but with a black frame and no equipment). So if you are in need of medical help, here is Lionel's answer.
Here is the side view, showing the ever vigilant EMT just sitting in the breeze as he travels to the accident site. Why does he not shelter in the cabin? Who knows...does not seem too smart.
Another view of the caboose and equipment. Note that the figure, unlike many of Lionel's accompanying figures is actually detailed with hands, face, and a jacket with a hood. Additional detail not seen on other figures of this vintage.
Here is a top view. Showing the two stretchers and the 2 oxygen tank unit.
So there you are "T.E.T" fans, my contribution a day late (sorry).
Best Wishes
@Don McErlean posted:Hello T.E.T folks....and YES I know its Wed. Yesterday was an all day trip to Ft. Worth for my Wife's medical treatment. Sorry I was just too tired after we got home last night to post. However I thought I cannot let a Tuesday go by with out showing my "tail end" so I thought I would post today.
@leapinlarry - glad the LCCA thing went well. Love that RJ Corman train. @ Sitka -Neat picture, imaginative shot for sure.
So today ( or yesterday) since I was tied up with medical stuff, I thought I would picture Lionel's #6814 work caboose, "Rescue Unit", from 1959-1961. It came complete with the medical technician or EMT, a 2 oxygen tank unit , & two stretchers. All of which (amazingly) are still present. (Note circa 1964 Lionel included this unit in Sears set 9820 but with a black frame and no equipment). So if you are in need of medical help, here is Lionel's answer.
Here is the side view, showing the ever vigilant EMT just sitting in the breeze as he travels to the accident site. Why does he not shelter in the cabin? Who knows...does not seem too smart.
Here is a top view. Showing the two stretchers and the 2 oxygen tank unit.
So there you are "T.E.T" fans, my contribution a day late (sorry).
Best Wishes
Great photos everyone!
Don I really never thought Medic's were all there! But then again I really liked them as they could keep your but ALIVE!
Have a great TET all Supports your Troops!
Well, being on vacation and separated from my layout I am using some archive pictures. I apologize if you have seen some of these before. So I thought I might take a bit of a stroll down through the toy train ages.
First is the American Flyer 1127 lithographed caboose from the 1930's. Part of their inexpensive line designed to fight off the terrible effects of the depression.
Next is an even further movement into inexpensive trains for American Flyer, the 513 observation car. This car is made with one piece of stamped and lithographed tin and then folded into the car shape. The wheels and axles are the only added parts.
Again 1930's.
Well the depression is about over but now war looms on the horizon. Lionel, just before the war production board called a halt to toy production, at least in metal, the Lionel 2472 caboose from 1941-42. This caboose returned in the early post war period but in red paint and with post war trucks and couplers but otherwise almost identical.
Now in the classic era of toy trains, from 1960, the Lionel 6219 C&O work caboose.
In a similar time period,the Marx 563 Rock Island bay window caboose.
Finally moving to much more recent times, the MPC era of Lionel the #9069 (SP type) Jersey Central caboose from MPC in 1973-76.
Well that's it for me for this week. Best wishes to everyone.
@Don McErlean McErlean, we’ll, my guess is, you are at Tybee Island, not far from the ocean, fun area, those are all beautiful ends of trains, Marx, American Flyer, Lionel, old and fairly new, they’re great eye Candy. @@Sitka, that’s a beautiful scene, looks to be evening, and the fellows in the caboose are eating a meal cooked over a pot belly stove, wow, Happy Tail End Tuesday everyone….
@Sitka posted:Have a great TET all Supports your Troops!
That is correct Larry the boys are cooking up some chili and cornbread, and a hot pot of Joe "Recipe for Caboose Coffee" Take several fistfuls of ground coffee and toss them into a enamel coffee pot: fill with cold water. let stand unheated for a couple hours, maybe even overnight. Bring to a boil several minutes before you're ready to serve. Pour through strainer or cheese cloth if you don't want grounds. Not for the timid. God Speed
@leapinlarry - "Good Guess" we are at Tybee Island for vacation. Thank you for your comment on my caboose selection. I really like your observation car selection and the RJ Corman train, neat stuff and great pictures. Sitka - your recipe for "caboose coffee" sounds about right from my experience. My Mother - in- law a career long emergency room nurse, used to take any left over coffee from the pot, strain it, then put it in ice cube trays to freeze. Over the next few days if you asked for coffee you got a few "coffee ice cubes" melted down and heated in a pot and added to your acquired taste!!
Best wishes everyone
@Mark V. Spadaro posted:
C&O!? Looks like an EL.
Well this is amazing! I am normally the "tail end" guy posting to this thread, sometimes even a day late but today I seem to be the lead off. Well I am at some disadvantage, being off on vacation (home later this week) so I am relying on my archive of pictures, so as I have said in some other threads if you have seen these I apologize...some new next week.
Back (and utterly fantastic) story. The Leonardtown and Savannah is experimenting with some new approaches to their commuter problem. They have a good number of workers all week, but the trip is short (only about 22 miles) and thus expenses are high. So they have arranged with a Japanese company (the guys who build Amtrack's cars) to lease a self contained high speed diesel car for an experiment. So here is the "Leonardtown Bullet" !!
First the T.E.T. view. This shows the connecting door into what could be trailing cars or even a push-pull unit.
Since the cars "might" operate push - pull here is the other end of the unit, showing the control cab-and uniformed operators.
Just a quick view of the entire unit and the "happy" commuters!
Best wishes and to all T.E.T. fans, lets get some posts up here!!
All the best to everyone
Wow @Don McErlean, you are first today, maybe I’ll be a close second, that’s a beautiful streamlined engine, I like this piece of equipment very much, the end door leads out to a following car, the engineers up front and seem wide awake at work, awesome shuttle bus type unit, @JDtrain, that’s a gorgeous train and a beautiful caboose, wow…. (Ends of cars at the North Carolina Transportation Museum near Salisbury, NC.) Happy Railroading Everyone
@leapinlarry - Thanks for your comment Larry. Your pictures are great. I really like the subway (or MU ) type train and you are tempting me with the North Carolina Museum. On our next trip to Tybee we may have to stop there!
Best Wishes
Don - thanks for getting us started today ... above and beyond the call of duty for a guy who's on vacation! Great looking bullet train! I wonder where the prime mover is located within the unit?
Larry - you show a wonderful potpourri of rears!! Variety is the spice of life!! LOL!!
Here's my rears for this fine Tuesday!
Clem rides the rear of a Shay.
Fireman Barney Krauss is about to pull down the spout. MOW workers working hard!
Dag! If we could only get those turkeys to jump in the rear of this trailer our day will be done!
Patrick - thanks for your comment...IRL trains of the sort that my bullet train is based on run on 3rd rail power and thus are not diesel as I stated in my fantasy post. Of course they also run at over 100 mph which is about 75 mph too fast for the poor Leonardtown and Savannah. Great pictures by the way, I really like how you have used trackside "junk" to improve the realism on your layout.
Best wishes
A tail end I haven't posted on here before. A local CNJ freight leaving the yard and in desperate need of some washing.
Happy Tail End Tuesday everyone!
Here's a New Haven extended vision caboose by MTH. Not sure if the NH actually had these, but it's a great looking car anyways.
Here's the observation car from a New York Central 20th Century Limited consist, again by MTH.
Here's the end of a real NYC 20th Century Limited car to compare it with! This is at the Lake Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad's main station in Meredith.
Check them out as they tear past on the layout!
@Dallas Joseph it REAL or MEMOREX ?
Nice photo JD.
Thank you Dallas
@leapinlarry posted:Wow @Don McErlean, you are first today, maybe I’ll be a close second, that’s a beautiful streamlined engine, I like this piece of equipment very much, the end door leads out to a following car, the engineers up front and seem wide awake at work, awesome shuttle bus type unit, @JDtrain, that’s a gorgeous train and a beautiful caboose, wow…. (Ends of cars at the North Carolina Transportation Museum near Salisbury, NC.) Happy Railroading Everyone
@leapinlarry your pics are great and thank you for the compliment.
@Erik C Lindgren posted:
Have a great Tail End all, Lionel Virginian tail end
Happy Tuesday!
Archive photo of the ESE on the old Paradise and Pacific Railroad from 2010. Part of my roster of 10 NYC passenger cars.
Here's my rears for this fine Tuesday!
Jeb, Floyd, and Fuzzy have parked their trash rig and are calling it a day. Floyd is already celebrating this day's end with a bottle of brew.
Out there in the rural lands a baggage caboose is unloaded as Conductor J.D. Owens gazes into the country side from the caboose's back deck. Elmo Perkins tips his hat to the photographer as Junior Dickens peers out the cargo door.... Just another Tuesday on the tail end.
@trumpettrain posted:
Another great photo and story line Patrick.
I've never seen such a good looking " trash rig " on a layout.........thanks for posting it.
Have a great tail end Tuesday. RailKing NYC