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I'm asking this question in the scenery forum because this is for some animated scenery that I'm working on.

I bought two mini Tamiya gear boxes. They both came with a very small blue tube of grease that turns slippery as can be once if you get some grease on your fingers which happens because the tube is tricky to squeeze in the first place.

Does anybody know what grease is in there? It's a clear color. Looks almost like dielectric grease to be honest. Is it just silicone grease or something? I would love to buy some at the hardware store and have a bigger bottle to use. The instructions have a ton of warnings about how you should only use this grease.

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This and this gearbox.

Unfortunately, I don't have much to show for what it goes to. I'm working on an overhead crane in my blast furnace cast house. Most everything is a drawn picture or a stand-in piece I made.

I know for sure I want the hook to move up and down and the bridge to move down the track. Haven't decided on the trolley for this crane because it is small and it's crammed in a small building. The open hearth and other buildings (rolling mill, forge shop, or ingot buildings, not sure yet) will be taller with bays twice as wide (roughly 60' compared to 20' at the cast house). There will more space for more gear boxes and more to do with a crane there. The cast house crane will just remove lids from the hot metal cars and bring supplies up to the cast house floor from the tracks below. The crane will need less mobility. But we'll see! I need to figure out how to power these motors now to see if I got the speeds correct and then see how I'm going to run the wires to them. I don't know if I'll hide it in the scenery or what. I went to school for mechanical engineering and in five years of earning a degree, we only covered this sort of thing once and we had very few options to pick from. So I'm on the learning curve.

Sorry for making that so long but hopefully it makes up for not having pictures to share haha

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