Thank you Kyle I will try anything at this point . I am desperate . Such a beautiful engine !!!
@Anthony773 posted:Interested in doing a motor upgrade if anyone has any leads ! Frustrated beyond belief.
Try contacting Pat @harmonyards for a Pittman motor upgrade.
Thank you John I appreciate the help !
John do you know his phone number or email . My friend mentioned him as well . But to date I haven’t been able to find him .
thank you
"But to date I haven’t been able to find him .
thank you". Click on the @harmonyards link above or here and his email is shown.
@Anthony773 posted:I also have the 6-18056. I find it to have a problem pulling anything more than 3 cars . Gargraves track magna traction is useless. Also having a hard time finding compatible traction tires for this engine . Lionel does not have any in stock . Interested in doing a motor upgrade if anyone has any leads ! Frustrated beyond belief.
These locos were notoriously "tight." As others have said, it'll break in and loosen up with more track time. Because the rest of your post talks about traction, I presume the motor is getting power, but the loco is spinning its wheels. Are the loco wheels and rails clean and free of oil? Could the pilot ("cow catcher") be dragging on the center rail? Do the tender wheels and pickup rollers turn freely? What about the wheels on the trailing consist? If you're pulling lighted passenger cars, do those pickup rollers turn freely?
You could post a video. I just find it hard to believe that a scale-sized, die-cast Hudson can't pull 4 cars on level track. The boiler on this model is probably chock full of electronics. But the original 700E and the 1990 reissue had a heavy weight in there over the drivers. Tungsten fishing weights or sheet lead are both more dense than die-cast metal, if you can find room for it. FYI.
Still run my 783, 785, C&O yellow- belly and Commodore Vanderbilt Hudson’s at times. All very good running Hudsons.
Last year, Alex M upgraded my Lionel 50th Anniversary J3A Hudson. It now produces 4 chuffs per rev and has a fan-driven smoke unit, and the results are outstanding. It will now see regular service on my layout. The whistle on that loco is tough to match. I'll take this 20+ year-old loco with its upgrades any day over what is currently being produced.
@Ted Bertiger posted:Still run my 783, 785, C&O yellow- belly and Commodore Vanderbilt Hudson’s at times. All very good running Hudsons.
My C&O Yellowbelly runs a lot better with a big Pittman motor and cruise control.
That’s a beautiful sight to see John. I have the yellow belly as well beautiful engine. Did you do your own upgrade ?
Nice I love this engine !
What is the warhorse hudson? I don't know about it
I several 90's hudsons they're great Lone my 6- 18005 #5340
@Bob is cool! posted:What is the warhorse hudson? I don't know about it
I several 90's hudsons they're great Lone my 6- 18005 #5340
The Warhorse was the Santa Fe set. I don't know the product number for it, but I have seen them about.
I believe Lionel released a N&W Warhorse Set (product #6-11909) on or about 1996 and a SF Warhorse Set (#6-11838) on or about 1997. If you’d like further elaboration on each of those sets check out a YouTube video entitled ‘Lionel Warhorse Sets 11909 and 11838 on my Layout’.