The wiring on my layout is kind of a mess since it was originally a temporary layout that has since become semi permanent. I am looking for a source for quality 14ga wire and bus bars for distributing the track power. to several loops. Are any of the form sponsors a good source, or could you recommend a good source with reasonable prices?
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I bought THNN #14 wire at Home Depot for my main runs, and I already had #18 wire that I used for track drops. I strongly recommend stranded wire, it's much easier to work with.
If your runs and aren’t to long and you want multiple colors to keep things organized. Auto Parts stores carry a quality 14 gauge in multiple colors in usually 25 ft. rolls.
For terminal strips. I like the MTH ones. But they are pricey if you need multiples. You mention it was a temporary layout that has become sort of permanent. So I’m guessing it’s not a huge empire. Amazon or the big auction site usually has multiple choices depending on what your trying to accomplish.
Thank you John, I run a lot of lash ups with four motors and incandescent passenger car lighting adding up to 20 - 30 bulbs. 14 ga will handle that draw but am I overdoing it, maybe I should go to 16 or possibly 18ga? The plan is to run 12ga from the transformer to a separate bus bar for each loop and the 14ga out to each track connection which will me power to the track at about 8 ft intervals.
I’d stick with the 14 gauge. Unless it’s an issue of how to attach the wire to the rails where a lighter gauge wire is easier to work with. . What type of track are you using ?
I am using Fastrack and usually connect using the provided tabs under the track but sometimes solder wires to the rail tabs underneath the rails.